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  1. SolidKeith

    Favourite Alcohol

    I'm a beer man, my dad will tell you the same thing even though all he drinks is Coors Light and the occasional shot of whisky... No I drink it all! Because I love beer! Not some watered down poor excuse for beer! We have a few local breweries that I frequent. Here in Nebraska we have Emperyan...
  2. SolidKeith

    Your Favorite Tri-Ace RPG?

    I second Radiata Stories. The game was so beautiful, funny, and just had a really great story. My favorite thing about the game was that all the armor sets showed on the main character while he was in towns and in the field. And there was some really cool armor sets, I rocked the red samurai...
  3. SolidKeith

    Where were you that fateful day 15 years ago (9/11)

    8th grade, left class to use the restroom which involved walking through the library. There was a TV turned onto the news in the library with people huddled around watching. I saw as the second plane hit live. I remember watching the OJ Simpson trial in class when I was super young too.
  4. SolidKeith

    FF6 what do you think of it

    I'm really loving this game which is odd because I didnt really care much for any other the other FF's before VII, and I've completed all but FFV. I enjoy the humor and battle system. I really like assigning a specific summon to a character to use and learn abilities from. And that is a huge...
  5. SolidKeith

    SOTW 189 Voting

    I really like #1, it's very clean, the background flows nice with the image, and I think the effects on and around the text are really well done.
  6. SolidKeith

    Kingsglaive Luna VS FFXV Luna

    I think I'll like in game Luna alot more than the film Luna. I also don't know how I feel about different people voicing the characters in the movie and game. I hope its not that noticable? At least Arydn (Sp?) is the same guy, he does a pretty good job.
  7. SolidKeith

    A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV

    This game looks really cool to me under the assumption that there is story to it. If the game is like "Jetpack Joyride" or some other coin collector/play on the toilet for 5 minutes at a time game then it will be a hard pass.
  8. SolidKeith

    How many times have you beaten IX?

    I've beaten FFIX 2 times now. The first being around the time it came out, when I was in highschool and the second being about a month ago. During my first playthrough I beat Ozma and tried to get 100% on everything but I didn't. The second playthrough I skipped Ozma and pretty much powered...
  9. SolidKeith

    FFIX: What would you change?

    I just played through this game again recently and you hit the nail on the freakin head! I love everything about this game but the battle speeds are grueling! I said that to myself so much through this play through but I still really enjoy the game and story. I absolutely love the...
  10. SolidKeith

    Your Favorite Final Fantasy Character?

    I would have to say Squall since I could really relate to him. I was a ward of the state growing up (Orphan) and was a pretty shy and distant kid, I didn't speak much and would often have conversations in my head. Not to mention how sweet is that gunblade? Runner up's include Sabin, Vivi, Wakka.
  11. SolidKeith

    Favorite Summons in the Series

    I knew Bahamut was going to be the winner, he is the King of Dragons after all. Bahamut is definitely my favorite but I would say Odin is probably the coolest, IMO. Side note: Did anyone else never use the summons in FFXII? I went through the whole game and used maybe one or two but they were...
  12. SolidKeith

    Hello everbody.

    Thanks! I really enjoy it :) Thanks for the welcome guys! So I'm looking at the many ways to earn gil around here and I saw there are some quizzes available? Can someone point my in the direction of those, they sounds pretty fun.
  13. SolidKeith

    Your Favorite Moment

    I'm only halfway through the game right now but the entire haunted train sequence was really cool and quirky. Not to mention you can suplex the freakin train! That had me dying.
  14. SolidKeith

    Dancing Mad Tattoo finished!

    Dude the tattoo is beyond epic! Love it!
  15. SolidKeith

    As someone who didn't especially like this game, is it worth trying the rest of the series?

    I think it comes down to an attention span issue. Alot of those old school FF's require a lot of patience. I know that was a big turn off for me too going back and playing FFVI and feeling like the random encounter rate was crazy high. My suggestion would be to try another FF that is a little...
  16. SolidKeith

    Hello everbody.

    Hey gang! So I use to be big into forums back in highschool (8-9 years ago) and have missed it, so I decided to join up again after all this time! I've kept up my gaming in the meantime, recently I've been playing some classics. I recently finished Chrono Trigger, FFX, FFIX, and pretty much the...