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  1. Subtle-sounds

    [Interest Check: Digimon RP]

    thats ok it gives me time to choose my digimon :D also... BORDERLANDS2!!!!! i have that pre-ordered here in the uk but i cant afford to go get it at the minute
  2. Subtle-sounds

    [Interest Check: Digimon RP]

    oh... ok ill give it another look over how about YukimiBotamon-Nyaromon-Salamon-BlackGatomon-LadyDevimon or maybe Zurumon-Pagumon-DemiDevimon-Bakemon-pumpkinmon-Boltmon
  3. Subtle-sounds

    [Interest Check: Digimon RP]

    so if i use the magnadramon line then i can have her?
  4. Subtle-sounds

    [Interest Check: Digimon RP]

    damn it fluer that was my back up idea... gah!!! what if i take the other digi-volution can i still have gatomons line?
  5. Subtle-sounds

    [Interest Check] Persona Reflections of the Soul RP

    i have never played or seen any of the persona games before, but i would like to join this rp will i be at a handicap due to me non-existant knowledge?
  6. Subtle-sounds

    [Interest Check: Digimon RP]

    is salamon-gatomon-angewoman-ophanimon allowed? or is it taken?
  7. Subtle-sounds

    [SU/D] Balamb Garden

    i totally agree with you Tony we must get this on track!!!
  8. Subtle-sounds

    [Interest Check] Fallout styled RP

    tenpenny??? im guessing fallout 3? ive only played vegas fully, im starting a game in 3 tough :3
  9. Subtle-sounds

    (SU/D) Deadman Wonderland RP

    ok, the seed was implanted while she was comatose, as for wether or not he commited the murders... up to you as game master, will she find her parents killers, be killed searching or never find them? up to you
  10. Subtle-sounds

    (SU/D) Deadman Wonderland RP

    ok im going to wiki it and see what i can do edit: base background uploaded... howzat?
  11. Subtle-sounds

    Interest Check - Harry Potter RP

    id take a ravenclaw character... we might not be heroic but we are damn clever!
  12. Subtle-sounds

    [SU/D] Balamb Garden

    nothing much to be honest... the entire rp section seems to need morphine and resusication
  13. Subtle-sounds

    (SU/D) Deadman Wonderland RP

    thought i had it right... still working on background mind.... never seen deadman wonderland :/
  14. Subtle-sounds

    [Interest Check] Fallout styled RP

    colour me interested. NCR ALL THE WAY!!!
  15. Subtle-sounds

    (SU/D) Deadman Wonderland RP

    ok lets see if i get this, if you take two sins, you always go first but youll always be a little more powerful? yet if you take whips you go first? but trade off the extra power of the others?... im going for Dual but i want to get this straight first Name: Megumi Tsoranuki Bird Name: Condor...
  16. Subtle-sounds

    [RP] Balamb Garden

    Mercy Kodashi - Fishermans Harbour The view Mercy saw as she slowly headed off the garden was astounding, it had been a while since she had left the garden, what with having everything she required there she had seen no reason to leave. She did a few quick excercises as they were heading off...
  17. Subtle-sounds

    [SU/D] Balamb Garden

    im heading over there now actually to see if i can post :D So here i am editing like an entire week later... looks like this thread needs 10cc's of morphine and a crash team... STAT!
  18. Subtle-sounds

    [SU/D] Balamb Garden

    of the canon characters squall, xu, quistis, zell have beedn taken. i think we have a rinoa and an irvine, headmaster cid is of course taken. i dont know about seifer or raijin
  19. Subtle-sounds

    Interest Check: Star ocean the last hope

    right im in then give me a week to resaerch and i am off
  20. Subtle-sounds

    [RP] Balamb Garden

    Mercy Kodashi - Entrance Gate "Im sorry im late" she said just managing to catch her breath. "I was training and i lost track of the time" she added yet she knew it sounded rediculous. She deflated a little as she noticed there was no other people she knew there, at least noone but kallen she...