well i am glad thats ok :) ill edit to say who is posting and where they are... when you say scenario music does it have to be final fantasy music or can it be other music too?
cant believe doomtrain is taken... wouldnt it be the best for selphie? ok ill make those changes... i wasnt sure if blindga existed in 8 anyhow i cant remember i might have blind and silence in its place
ok i have made the changes please read the bio and tell me its ok :) same goes for my oc :)
Mercy Kodashi - Grassy area near to cafeteria and training room
Her blonde hair swaying gently in the breeze, was caught up over her glasses everynow and then, not very often did this happen, but often enough to be annoying. She closed the book she had been reading and told herself that the...
well both bios are "finished" meaning the history in my oc is what i told you more or less and you havent even seen my selphie yet ol but bottom of page 7 is where thats at. i think my oc is page 4 imma gonna go post because you more or less okayed my character when i messaged you earlier :)
Name: Selphie Tillmitt
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Aside from her bright yellow clothing and signature brown bob anyone that knew the old her would have seen a dramatic difference in the looks and attitude of selphie, she was more mature and serious now, but ever so often she...
i noticed the elements themselves but i guessed it would be ok due to her having no ability using them without the guns. ballistomancy is just infusing guns with magic as opposed to casting spells. i can change it to Chrono-ballistomancy if needs be and ill work on the str/wkn soon
just finished watching it and i have to say that TORADOR! is my favourite anime in a long time, it kept me guessing until the last 3 episodes and then it all just fell into place :D
ok il get right on that then :) ill edit it so that it was an evil keeper that had the powers over Ballistomancy and then a friend of theres tried to take revenge on her and they had the power of technomancy. ill get on it :)
ok id like to say that ive finished the history, i just hope its good enough for me to be added onto that list just there :) please go to page twelve to read it as i think re-posting it would be just a sorry excuse to increase my post count :)
ill get working on the history right away and im not trying to be mean or anything but the knives... its possible that he carries all of them in a leg pouch... or even in holders on the inside of a jacket. im sorry i just play rogues with throwing knives an awful lot in d&D so i know all about...
thanks farro now if only i could come up with a good enough history. Is it possible for my character to get her gf without fighting it? similar to the system in ff13? where they join you if certain things happen?
techno... can you pm me a few pointer for what your looking for in the history im having a total mind block and cant think of anything... your help would be greatly appreciated
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