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  1. S

    Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster - March 18th Countdown and Celebration!

    Just curious did Yuna have different color eyes in the original version? Every time I see her it drives me crazy she has 2 completely different eye colors. Other than that I'm loving it. I just got finished with fighting Seymour in Macalania and I really dont have anything but positive stuff to...
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    Colored Hair in FF

    I never have payed attention to the anime connection either but I love all of the colored hair in the games, it helps make the characters we love even more unique.
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    Random Mass Effect 3 graphics

    Looks really good!! I never have played the multiplayer much but Tali is one of my favorites out of the series so im down with the Quarians.
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    Where to get this game?

    I'm glad you learned something from this. I cant believe the games I bought twice not knowing this :( oh well they only cost 10 bucks.
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    Help [FFX] Sphere Grid Trophy

    Yes it is a interesting combo between those 2 games lol. I get the nice cinematic story with X and a old school FF feel at the same time. Next up is a replay of tactics combo'd with FFX-2 most likely :) Yes I do agree with you on the replay value of FF games which I have done with VI and VII...
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    Where to get this game?

    Really? Well damn I bought FF7, 8 and 9 along with MGS1 for no reason on PSN then lol. I assumed if it didn't play ps2 games it didn't play PS1 games. I feel dumb now lol but thanks for that info!!
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    Trying out V for 1st time

    Right now I have a Sorceress(mystic knight), Monk, Time/White Mage and a Red Mage.
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    Where to get this game?

    Thanks for that i'll price a Vita which I could use since it goes hand in hand with the ps3 anyhow. I do remember FF Chronicles but since this slim ps3 doesn't have playback I'm stuck with vita/psp option mainly.
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    Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster - March 18th Countdown and Celebration!

    Well I'm actually playing V and X at the same time since I've never beat either game. Im around 22 hours into X and about 8 hours into V so for me its fun to switch back and forth from the job sytem to the sphere grid system. I know I've already kind of messed up my grid i'm still winning fights...
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    Where to get this game?

    Once I finish up V and X the only FF games ill be missing 1-10 only play list is 1-4. I spent most of my FF game times playing 6,7,8 and tactics mostly. I have played 1 and 2 but never all the way until the end and honestly IV is the only one of these I truly care about completing after all the...
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    Longest time it took to steal...

    I did the same as well even thought mot of the time I got at least 2 items and half of the time I stole all 3 items but I wasn't gonna sit around not attack and go through the annoying process to steal something I can get in the near future most likely anyhow.
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    Trying out V for 1st time

    Yea I think the job system either makes or breaks this game for most people. For me I normally hate grinding but this is the one game where I enjoy grinding just because of the job classes. Like I said it's not my favorite but still very fun for me so far.
  13. S

    FF VI main party?

    My end game party my last time playing Terra, Celes, Gogo, and I think I had Sabin or Mog as the fourth. Terra and Celes were always my main 2 through the game and Mog just because I love Moogles. Honestly though there wasn't anyone I didnt like in this game except Umaro because he was pretty...
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    What an Awesome Community!

    Yea the tactics play style will take some getting use too and the battles can last long but you will fall in love with it. There so are so many job combinations to use in party's and when you develop that perfect battle strategy that pays off it feels great. Then again also be prepared for a few...
  15. S

    Hello there!

    Welcome!! You have come to the right place there is a thread for pretty much anything FF around here. Good to have you here and have fun!!
  16. S

    Help [FFX] Sphere Grid Trophy

    I must say at first glance I hated this sphere grid system but now about 20 hours in I'm loving it just for the fact of how different it is. I'm currently playing V at the same time as X and switching between the battle systems is very nice. After I get done with the initial play through I plan...
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    What an Awesome Community!

    Welcome my friend!! I recently just played through IX and I have to say it's tied with VI and tactics as my favorite also. The community here is awesome no doubt and I'm glad you have joined us!!
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    Trying out V for 1st time

    I decided to download FFV today since it's only 10 bucks and I just needed something else to play to switch from FFX for a moment. Trust me I'm loving FFX but i'm the type of gamer that normally plays 2 games at once but normally not two FF games at once. Anyhow from being such a big tactics fan...
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    Battle System: Great or terrible?

    So far I'm loving the battle system in this game so far. After playing Tactics,6,7,8 and 9 the most out of the series this is a nice little change of pace for me so far.
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    When The Magic Happens

    That is a hard question to answer. Honestly all of the characters back stories are inspiring in different ways. All of the party members are dealing with past losses and everyone over comes there losses in inspirational ways. Even though Cloud isn't my favorite character in the game the story of...