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  1. S

    Arcanist tips

    The Lancer was fun but I wanna try different things and normally I'm more of a magic user in most games. I switched to Arcanist mainly to become either a Summoner or Scholar at 30. Dont get me wrong I will eventually go back and level a lancer/dragoon as well. Anyhow since I have to be an...
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    What is your favorite alcohol beverage (Adults only)

    For anyone that drinks from time to time what is your alcoholic beverage of choice? For me personally my go to drink is Crown Royal mixed with coke or pepsi.
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    How is the ps3 player base?

    I'm a former WoW player that played for about 6 years on and off along with some LOTRO and Rift. First off as a long time MMORPG players is this worth picking up and worth the sub fee? Also my biggest concern is how good or bad is the ps3 community in this game? I doubt my laptop could handle...
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    Where to get this game?

    Once I finish up V and X the only FF games ill be missing 1-10 only play list is 1-4. I spent most of my FF game times playing 6,7,8 and tactics mostly. I have played 1 and 2 but never all the way until the end and honestly IV is the only one of these I truly care about completing after all the...
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    Trying out V for 1st time

    I decided to download FFV today since it's only 10 bucks and I just needed something else to play to switch from FFX for a moment. Trust me I'm loving FFX but i'm the type of gamer that normally plays 2 games at once but normally not two FF games at once. Anyhow from being such a big tactics fan...
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    My thoughts after 1st play through

    Okay as some of you know I just finished my first play through of FF9. Many years ago when I was around 15 or so I got this game for Christmas because my Mom and sister knew I was in love love with FF6,7 and 8. When I first got it I was very excited but then after abour 5 hours of playing I put...
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    Disc 4 prep

    So I have played through most of the game now and man it is awesome as hell!!! Anyhow I was just wondering what kind of final prep needs to be done before heading in to take on trance kuja? I went in once made it through 2 bosses and then my whole party got hit with that high temp insta kill bs...
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    Multiple Platforms Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes whose buying it?

    The Metal Gear series is my all time favorite gaming series with the FF series a close close second. I know the story mission is short but I have never been let down by a MGS game but I cannot wait to play it myself I already have it pre ordered. Anyone else going to get this game in...
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    A new view on FF9

    So back in my early teens when this game first came out i never truly gave this game a real chance. The art style and concept threw me off for some reason and i never played it. Now after i have heard so many positive things about it and how I loved the other FF games that this was a throw back...
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    LF a FF6/7/ or tactics sog/avatar

    If anyone is doing avatars and/or sigs at the moment i would love anything FF6/FF7/ or tactics themed. Im not too picky I just want something to stand out a little bit please :)
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    Long time FF fan thats new here!!

    I have been posting a little tonight but just wanted so introduce myself a little. My name is Shaun and my first experience of playing a Final Fantasy game was as a kid when playing FF6 (FF3 on snes back then). To this day 6 is still my favorite followed closely by tactics and 7 while 8 is also...