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  1. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    Lets Watch

    Slightly Different then a Lets Play, these 2 playlists are Visual Novels, Rated T for Teen due to a little Echi here and there. Big fan of Highschool DxD. These fit in there. Tales of Arcadia Sakura Succubus Let me guys know if u wanna see more visual novels, or rather games. Also which...
  2. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    Lets Watch Legends of Talia: Arcadia

    Somewhat different than a let's play. A Visual novel I purchased on the PS5 store. Normally not my kind of thing, but this was rather interesting. they'll be releasing another on the 22nd of April which ill record as well This Novel had trophies as well for anyone interested. u could skip...
  3. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    Rare Finds to Share

    I searched the forum but I was unable to find a similar thread let me know if there is one and ill remove this one myself. Anyway, I wanted to make a thread where we can share our rare finds for those that are interested in maybe purchasing them. This is different from a thread I made a while...
  4. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    Lets Play Warhammer Shadow of the Horned Rat & Warhammer Dark Omen

    This is one of my all-time favorite games, I changed my format here a little, whereas I normally do an opening and ending every time I now just made it 1 long continues let's play with only the opening on the 1st video and the ending on the last. I gave all missions their own video, Shadow of...
  5. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    Whats your most priced possesion of Enix, Square, Squaresoft or Square Enix.

    Hi, guys I wanted to make a thread for the collectors out there where we can share our passion for collecting. This is a bit wider than Final Fantasy alone and involves all of Enix, Square, Squaresoft, and Square Enix. What id like to see is a picture of it, where and how did u get it and why...
  6. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    Final Fantasy Fan (Youtube Channel)

    Hello fellow Square Enix Fans, My name is Darrell de Jager also know as Final Fantasy Fan on Youtube. I recently started my youtube channel. I intended to upload only Square Enix related content, unfortunately, that went out the window the moment I got my hands on a PS5. In my channel ill be...