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  1. Mexiun

    If life were more like Final Fantasy...

    Walking around town, getting dizzy and spin around only to find yourself trapped in another "dimension" with few monsters, and running away takes ages because you dont get any farther then 1CM, and when you do run or win, you find yourself back in the town or store or forest again. Aka random...
  2. Mexiun

    Best lead character of FF (No Tactics etc).

    Hey who do you think is the best character in any FF? Not the strongest or the most coolest looking, but just his/her ways of doing things, speeches and his/her view. Note : I did not putt in the heroes of FF1,2,3,5 because they just lacked personality and didnt do anything that special (...
  3. Mexiun

    Squall Vs. Seifer

    Squall would win, but not with ease. Seifer will be too aggresive and less focused and really underestimating Squall and this will be Seifer's downfall. Squall will fight more controlled and also fight for other's wich is his weapon to win, and besides Siefer will just go whiney about Rinoa :P
  4. Mexiun

    Which FF Hero/Heroine is the strongest?

    Squall ofcourse, he became a SeeD wich is like FF7's Soldier, but more controlled and less weird. He fought alot of army guys ( wich isnt easy to fight ) and he has that Lion power thing.