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  1. insanegrl22


    I am planning on playing Final Fantsy games but most likely it won't be until after the school year. Maybe then I can convince my parents to buy a game system since it will be in the summer so I won't play video games instead of doing my homework! And we don't have enough money right now but my...
  2. insanegrl22

    Final Fantasy Dreams!

    I had a really long dream the other night that was the most detailed I have ever had. I wrote it down at the beginning of school so I wouldn't forget it. It's already starting to fade so I'm glad I did. ANd I'm sorry if rape isn't allowed to be mentioned but it's only a dream knowledge of rape...
  3. insanegrl22


    Hi all I'm Rylie and I just joined this site. I haven't played any any of the Final Fantasy games though I'm hoping to soon. I have seen the Advent Children movie and that's waht got me interested in the games which I have read about online and am very interested in. So that's it.