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  1. P


    I'm hoping for subtley and attitude (i.e. No happy families). Would love more chracters like Irvine from XVIII who don't really say much but can give it all in a look, and fewer bland characters like Tidus who do nothing but whinge. If it's truly as long as all the hype suggests then they have...
  2. P

    FF13 Turn play or Roam play

    I prefer roaming. Turn based feels too stilted, and the arrangement of the characters kinda kills the atmosphere of battle for me these days. I liked turn based when there was no other option, but with this current generation of consoles there's no excuse for it. Gameplay needs to be brought...
  3. P

    which version are you getting?

    I'm totally torn. I would love the PS3, and I'm guessing it'll look better on the PS3 since square is closer to Sony than Microsoft. But on the other hand the 360 is a lot cheaper, and if present choice of games is anything to go by it's 360 by a long way. PS3 used to be the main console for...
  4. P

    Currently replaying IX :)

    Definitely my favourite FF. My only complaint is that it's too short!!! I remember getting Eiko and Amarant and thinking, yey got the full team, now let's see where the story goes.... and then in no time I was fighting the last boss. I think the full team should be around for at least half the...
  5. P


    I don't see the point in remakes. The amount of extras that would need to be put in to make the game competible with current games would mean the game would need to be made from scratch all over again! Might as well make a new FF than waste all that time making an old one. I'd like them to...
  6. P

    Friends with your ex?

    It really depends on how I knew them before the relationship. If I was friends with them before the relationship and we hang out in the same social network than it may be an awkward few first months but eventually we'll probably be friends again. On the other hand, there's been exs I've...
  7. P

    Abortion - your views.

    I'm half and half. I'm pro-choice in that I don't think it's right to dictate to people what they should and shouldn't do with their body. If abortion is illegal then mothers who want to abort can do it themselves with DIY techniques but at much greater personal risk, so the choice should be out...
  8. P

    Sephiroth has to be replaced!?

    I agree with Baralai, I don't want a villain to be created solely for the competition with Sephiroth. I would like a villain that is somehow connected to the main character though, but not another clones/genomes storyline!!!!!!!!!!!! Personally I preferred the Squall/Seifer rivalry to that of...
  9. P

    Best Story?

    I'd say VII-IX. The characters really make the storyline, and those 3 games had everything for me. All 3 have done some things better than others, but overall it's kinda hard to choose between them. VII had the most twists, VIII had more subtle relationships between characters and IX had the...
  10. P

    Final Fantasy XIII's: Wish List.

    As far as gameplay and graphics are concerned, I want more realism. i.e.: -As other people have said, it'd be great to see different armours on the chracters -Battles that don't feel so railed, whilst keeping the turn based feel of FF -Maybe enemies actually looking like they're taking damage...