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  1. nukka-chan

    Poetry the princess of the salt river

    hey , i did the spelling check =)
  2. nukka-chan

    Serious Unreal,fake,stupid

    It all started 10 years ago..when i met (h) "excuse my spelling => " in grade 2 ...when i moved to a new city ...i left my b.f childhood and my tears didn`t stop "or let`s say "didin`t drop" ... (h) was the only person who cared for me..."and pushed away all my other friends...
  3. nukka-chan

    The Three to BE

    every one is something ..can`t really chose X( i think mybe aerith and zack...but the n it will be ffv11 the night of the living dead so mybe yuffie and cloud...reno mybe?
  4. nukka-chan

    Poetry the princess of the salt river

    the night princess of the dark river she knew her end will be cruel ........ it was a stary night...the round silver moon spreaded the light over the gray grass...the water fall hit the wet stones in order to smash it.. but with no use....... the black roses flew slowly in the river....... and...
  5. nukka-chan

    Original *tears*

    ok ...i fixed it X)
  6. nukka-chan

    Original *tears*

    hey... though i am not a writer or anything but here is ma super short story... it was dark ... where am i...? at the end of the line ? but...there is no Q ... and if so ...what happend to those behind me...? am i the last one here? and what happend to those in the front? (i raised my head...
  7. nukka-chan


    no it's not makes my bloOd boils -_-
  8. nukka-chan


    arigato ...^^ i will be an active member
  9. nukka-chan


    helloooooooooooooz where is every one:huh: oh yeah not in this thread anyhows i am a stupid rpg creep from q8 a.k.a kuwait and no it is not a deserted place like you see in the news in fact i love this place here is a thing or two about me: i hate it when people ask me what time is it and point...