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  1. Hot Jazz Musician

    Who Was Your Best Team Of Three?

    I find it surprising that only a few people use rikku in their main team. Man, i cannot count the number of times that rikku's al bed potions saved my skin. She's even better since i upgraded her weapon with zombiestrike. the other two i use to compliment her are Auron, for shear physical...
  2. Hot Jazz Musician

    The music during the opening cutscene

    the one during the opening cutscene? The one where they're all sitting around in Zanarkand? I think that one's actually called "To Zanarkand", and i heard a girl actually play it on the piano the other day. I immeadiatly asked my teacher to find it for me!
  3. Hot Jazz Musician


    Hey, everyone! I'm from Australia, and i have just recently been introduced to the FF world through FFX. Before that, though, I was a great fan of Kingdom Hearts. Anyhow, I'm looking forward to a great big jam secission with everyone here. (hope nobody is particuarly repulsed by Jazz!)