The last album I have acquired is the Rock Of Ages soundtrack.
Absolutely love the movie and the music!
My favourite songs are:
Here I Go Again:
Wanted Dead Or Alive:
We Built This City On Rock N' Roll:
Juke Box Hero:
Currently in love with the Rock Of Ages soundtrack.
My sister in law showed me the movie last week and ever since then I've been listening to this song in particular over and over.
Love it!
We just got back home and had fish and chips from our favourite Fish and Chip shop.
If they ever go out of business I will cry. We usually only get it on Sunday's but I was really craving it today!
Then I poured myself a beautiful glass of bourbon and had some Peanut MnMs. :ryan:
We're just gonna stay in and watch a few movies tonight.
It's just started to get really cold now that it's nearing the middle of Winter.
My brother is lucky he's up North and still getting 30+ degree celsius days.
Bring on Summer!
Mood: Excited!
Reason: After a freaking age we have finally signed a contract for a house that will be built in the next few weeks!
We've been at my parents for nearly 3 years this year and I felt I would lose my sanity any day.
Thankfully we have something to look forward to now!
We should...
Mood: Good
Reason: It's Friday night. Another work week is over and I'm chillin with a bourbon and listening to music.
Steve's making dinner too. :ryan:
Gonna be a short week next week cos of Easter holidays.
We're off to visit our friends on one of the islands off the coast and spend a...
Mood: Tired
Reason: It's been a long weekend.
I had Friday off and just bummed around having a few drinks.
Then we had to leave early Saturday to go down to NSW for a family reunion. We stayed there until 8pm and got home around 9:30pm.
Then we slept in today and decided to take our dog for a...
Awesome. :)
Well if you're going to go to the West side at all, Perth is where you should go.
Steve has been there before and he said it was one of his favourite cities he's visited.
He's been all around Australia. Perth in Western Australia and the Gold Coast in Queensland (South East...
Mood: Good
Reason: The parents are away so the house is nice and quiet and I feel more free to just walk out of my room and grab a drink or whatever.
I cleaned up the whole house today and found my box of TV shows that were stashed away in the shed.
Gonna sell them cos I already have them on...
1. Person I kissed
I only kiss my fiance, so him of course.
2. Thing I drank
Bourbon and Coke at some New Years party.
3. Thing I ate
Maccas I think.
4. Thing I said
Happy New Year.
5. Thing I wrote on facebook/twitter/whatever else
Happy New Year.
6. Thing I wrote on FFF
If you do come here, Melbourne (Victoria State) and the Gold Coast (Queensland State) are the best places to go in my opinion and a lot of other peoples opinions.
It's best to stick to the East side of Australia in my opinion.
The rest of Australia is a bit boring in my opinion, but it depends...
1. What exactly would be on your plate?
A roast chicken dinner with roast vegetables such as pumpkin, potato's, carrots, onions, corn and then a wicked gravy made from all the juices. <3
And of course a beverage to go with it such as a coke.
2. Would you go to a restaurant?
No way. My fiance...
I had Subway at 7:30 last night and now it's 3:30am and I am starving. :gonk:
I have no idea what time Macca's start serving breaky but I am really craving a bacon and egg muffin deal right now!
Water. I can't imagine living on Soft Drink but water is doable.
I was on a good role at the start of the year drinking water and that was all I drank for ages. No Soft Drink at all.
But then somehow I came crawling back to Coke. >.<
I love the taste of coke and I love bourbon and they go...
I obsessively play with my hair. Mainly at night time when I'm in bed and thinking a lot before sleep.
I've always done it since I was a kid. I will even do it when I'm driving. I can't help it and don't even notice until someone tells me that I'm doing it.
I actually had someone say to me in...
It depends on how significant the moment was for me.
I remember certain things from my childhood such as getting a needle or arguing with my neighbour about who's dad built our dividing fence and then there's huge gaps in between up until the end of primary school.
Even the memories I do have...
Mood: Over Tired, Motivated and Hungry
Reason: I was tired but now that I've been up all night sorting through my DVD's and taking photos for re-sale I am becoming more and more awake and hungry.
I have not been on FFF in a long time. I check in every now and then but I rarely ever post more...
Hah my night is all over the place. It's technically morning as it's 2:40am here on a Sunday.
Tonight (Sunday Night) I intend to get an early sleep as I have work on Monday for the first time in two weeks.
It's sad but sometimes I look forward to work because it puts me in a proper routine in...
I finally dug out all of my DVDs that were boxed away in the shed (after our move to my parents) and took photos of everything I want to sell.
I can't believe the crap I've bought. Half of the DVD's were never even opened!
I have a friend who wants me to send her photos of everything I've...
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