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  1. M

    Do You Like the Character Yunalesca?

    Good point Laguna made is that Yunalesca is an unsent. She is attached to Spira so strongly that she can't rest in peace. Is this attachment due to her hunger for power, or is it her love for Spira? Yeah, she is beautiful until her hair turns into snakes >.<
  2. M

    Wich FF girl is the hottest?!?!?!

    I voted for Aerith... Kupo!
  3. M

    Picture of Auron toasting Sin

    donno, if I meet Auron, I'd ask for a sip from his wine jar. Then, I'd collapse from its weight and then get knocked out from the strength of the alcohol inside. Hmm, I wouldn't call that a glass either.
  4. M

    Picture of Auron toasting Sin

    lol @ aqua & laguna. That was really funny!
  5. M

    Picture of Auron toasting Sin

    thanks, Auron is the type of person who drinks instead of talks. Happy thanksgiving! ps. like ur sig
  6. M

    Picture of Auron toasting Sin

    Here is a picture of my fav scene from ffx - Auron toasting Sin :)