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  1. Oliver Queen

    Christmas Photo Challenge

    Behold! Ye old Christmas tree!
  2. Oliver Queen

    back again?

    It's been AGES, Dan and Kira. We will have to catch up properly one of these days. To those that I do not recognize, hello, and I hope we will be good friends.
  3. Oliver Queen

    back again?

    So I was a member here a long time ago, and to be honest, I'm surprised I even remembered my login information here. I am Oliver Queen, obviously, but you may also call me Joey. I did all kinds of things, and still kinda do all kinds of things here, although I'm curious to see what all has...
  4. Oliver Queen

    Christmas Stocking Stuffers

    Yeah, if I get another smiley code thing, can I trade it with someone? Purchased my stocking earlier today and was gonna post, then saw that you see when we buy it. :gasp:
  5. Oliver Queen

    [Interest Check] Secret Santa XMAS14

    Voice clip wouldn't be too bad. Maybe a new sig, if someone felt artsy enough to do so. :hmmm: I'm also one that loves surprises, so......surprise away. :gasp:
  6. Oliver Queen

    White Elephant 2014

    Paddy McGee Gimme lucky number 7
  7. Oliver Queen

    Festival of the Hunt

    I usually let Freya win. I rarely have a problem with getting money, so getting the prize for winning is usually not a big deal for me. I tried the first couple times I played, but I sucked, so I never won. And when I did win, I would always screw something up and have to do it all again...
  8. Oliver Queen

    Friendly Enemies

    No, they don't show up out of order. You can get them in whatever order you want once you get the airship, but that's not for a while, and some are a bigger pain in the ass to get to show up than others.
  9. Oliver Queen

    [Interest Check] Secret Santa XMAS14

    Always enjoyed this one. Consider me in as well.
  10. Oliver Queen

    White Elephant 2014

    Is it too late to join? If not, I want in. :gasp:
  11. Oliver Queen

    XBox XBox Live Leaderboard Discussion

    Busta, I think you have a big enough lead that by the time anyone catches you, you will have a console, or have at least played on one to get some more points.
  12. Oliver Queen

    Aselia Birthday

    :se7: Happy Birthday, miss Amanda. :se7:
  13. Oliver Queen

    life suxs.

    I remember you. You were like...totally awesome and stuff. When you left, it was all like :sad3:, but now that you are back, it is all like :awesome:
  14. Oliver Queen

    Happy Birthday iSmiff!

    Damn my internet connection being shit lately. And the fact that I had to work all fucking day yesterday. :gasp: Happy late birthday, man. :gasp:
  15. Oliver Queen

    Must have been next years that was in Cali. :hmmm:

    Must have been next years that was in Cali. :hmmm:
  16. Oliver Queen

    Happy Cat

    Happy Birthday, Chanty. :reptar:
  17. Oliver Queen

    Well shit. I was fed misinformation. :gasp:

    Well shit. I was fed misinformation. :gasp:
  18. Oliver Queen

    I thought this year it was in California. :gasp:

    I thought this year it was in California. :gasp:
  19. Oliver Queen

    I think it's somewhat close to me this year. I'd have to look and see for sure, though. :hmmm:

    I think it's somewhat close to me this year. I'd have to look and see for sure, though. :hmmm:
  20. Oliver Queen

    Yeah, as soon as I saw that, I was like "you motherfuckers. :hmph:" I want to go to RTX so bad...

    Yeah, as soon as I saw that, I was like "you motherfuckers. :hmph:" I want to go to RTX so bad, but I lack the funds to be able to do so. :sad3: