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  1. Jester9911

    Pick your FF XIII villian type.

    Tidus would fit perfectly if he came back as a different body and he was angry he didn't want to be a dream anymore he wanted to go back but he couldn't so he turned evil.Or maybe if they made sephiroth come back but he realizied that he is a remnant just like kadaj and he needed jenova cells to...
  2. Jester9911

    Crisis Core Kadaj's True Identity?? Major Major Spoliers!!

    ... maybe since genesiss is nero and/ weiss' brother they also have jenova cells? scratch what i just said wasnt paying attention in that secret ending genesis sounds completely different from cc...
  3. Jester9911

    Who do you plan on using as your main fighter?

    i will probally use cloud and beat his then switch to warrior of light and use sephiroth zidane or garland depends on how cloud plays but zidane was my first final fantasy
  4. Jester9911

    most unlucky final fantasy character

    I would have to go with tidus because even though everyone has pain and suffers he suffers more because everything he loved his whole life of adventure was just a dream...