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  1. daywalk3r

    disturbing moments in final fantasy games

    I think when Kefka starts messing with the three statues and kills Gestahl. I think this really just surprised me because basically the most powerful guy in the game was killed and kicked off the Floating Continent like nothing. That moment just really stood out to me.
  2. daywalk3r

    most unlucky final fantasy character

    I was gonna say Auron, since he basically sacrificed his life for nothing, if you think about it, along with his friends, Braska and Jecht. When I think about it, though, Vincent had worse luck than they did. The same man that took away his one true love turned him into a monster. Good point...
  3. daywalk3r

    What FF game are you currently playing

    Right now I am at the beginning of Final Fantasy 7, because my friend told me was starting a new file and I just couldn't resist but to dive back in. Currently in Kalm, getting ready to head into the Mythril Mines and get some Limit Breaks. :D
  4. daywalk3r

    wtf is lunatic pandora...??

    That seems to make sense, it's like a mechanism for summoning the Lunar Cry. I just wish there was a cutscene showing Lunatic Pandora being brought out of the ocean by Seifer and crew or something... similar to the beginning of FFX when Rikku and Tidus find the Airship underwater.
  5. daywalk3r

    Auron and Tidus

    I really like this idea, it adds a lot more meaning to the phrase that's repeated a lot in FFX: "This is your story." It really is the story of Tidus and the choices he makes. He doesn't realize he's a dream, so he gets to really live and love, with a purpose in life.
  6. daywalk3r

    wtf is lunatic pandora...??

    Ah okay so... it seems like it was under Esthar's control back in Laguna's time, when Esthar was ruled by the sorceress, and now it's being controlled by Galbadia (well, Seifer actually). I guess i'm just wondering who created it ? Maybe I should just assume it was created by sorceress magic...
  7. daywalk3r

    wtf is lunatic pandora...??

    Alright so I'm playing through FF8 for the second time and I still don't understand where Lunatic Pandora comes from. I mean you first see it in the Laguna flashback and you're like 'wtf is that, oh well they'll probably explain it later'... And then it just shows up at Esthar and it's your job...
  8. daywalk3r

    What was the most emotional part of this Final Fantasy to you?

    I agree with you completely, I mean, show some backbone, ACTUALLY KILL CHARACTERS. The most emotional for me I think was Yang, because at that point it was just like, why, why does everyone need to die? WHAT KIND OF WORLD IS THIS??
  9. daywalk3r

    I absolutly HATE the battle system in this game

    The FFXII system feels really good once you get into a rhythm. The gambits can make things run a lot more smoothly; rather than having to use Curaga every five seconds you can set it to happen automatically. The one thing that is lost with this is... hmm, can't really think of anything, except...
  10. daywalk3r

    Auron and Tidus

    Whoa whoa whoa, so you're suggesting that Tidus is a dream recreation of Chappu? That would be a crazy connection... I kind of like it. The idea that Tidus was a dream version of Shuyin is irrelevant to the story of FFX. What I want to know is why in the flashbacks Auron looks in his late 20s...
  11. daywalk3r

    Which FF Hero/Heroine is the strongest?

    I'd have to say Cloud because he was injected with the Jenova cells and, well, just look at that sword! You'd have to be crazy to wield something like that unless you were super skilled.
  12. daywalk3r

    One Hit Wonder Characters

    I think Jecht really should have been playable at some point, since he was so vital to the story. The game could've had some kind of flashback sequences where Tidus dreams about Jecht, similar to FF8. But yeah, Jecht is probably my favorite side character.
  13. daywalk3r

    How do you play?

    I try to keep it balanced with what I do. I like attacking when it does a lot of damage (i.e. Squall with Ultimas junctioned to Str...) but black magic is cool too. Oh and yeah, in FFX the buffs are awesome; Haste, Protect, win.
  14. daywalk3r

    Where are you?

    Yeah it took me a number of years to finish FF7 too. I had it for computer back in middle school but couldn't beat it! (my computer would always freeze during the chocobo racing...) Eventually got it on PS and beat that sucker down. Just finished Disc 2 of FF8. What's happening with Rinoa?!?
  15. daywalk3r

    Where are you?

    I'm in Disc 2 of FFVIII facing off against Galbadia Garden near Edea's house. The story of FFVIII isn't that great overall but there are some scenes in that game that are just awesome.
  16. daywalk3r

    24 and still playing FF

    I'm 19 and have been playing for 5 years, and I'll probably keep playing right out of college. As long as you have someone else you can talk to about them (or all of us at the forum!) then you shouldn't feel too silly about it. Can't wait for FFXIII...
  17. daywalk3r

    What FF game are you currently playing

    100% in FFX is crazy, tons of sphere grid action needed to beat the monster arena... I'm currently playing through FFVIII again, I'm at Trabia garden... I don't think I gave it much of a chance last time, I just kind of beat it just to get through it. This time I'm getting all the GFs, at least :P
  18. daywalk3r

    FF Music Final Fantasy X Best Musical Score

    Wandering Flame is definitely the best, it's really ambient and emotional... it makes me think about all the scenes with my favorite character, Auron.
  19. daywalk3r

    One Thing About FFX I Don't Get

    going back to the original question... i think that is something that the writers of this game just kind of glossed over without explaining. i'm assuming that since Sin can clearly travel into the "dream world" somehow, it just happened to run into jecht on its visit and... teleported him back...
  20. daywalk3r

    Best story in a Final Fantasy

    I'm gonna have to go with 10, as the story drives the gameplay. The majority of the game is Yuna's quest to defeat Sin. It's consistent, there are some good twists, and in the end everything is resolved.