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  1. chocobo1

    is it gonna happen or not?

    I keep on hearing these rumors that Square Enix is thinking about re-making Final Fantasy VII. Then I here a "No they arn't!" and then a "yes they are!" I'm so confused.(owww, my brain hurts):argh:
  2. chocobo1

    What impact did FF7 have on you the first time you played?

    The first time I played FFVII, I was like oh my god this is the best game ever. and I still think that its one of the greatest games ever made. it has an awsome story,the materia combinations are cool,the backgrounds on each of the characters are elaborate, and the soundtrack is the best.(oh...
  3. chocobo1

    so what is it?

    for a couple years now ive been debating an getting final fantasy 11, and i was wondering if it was worth getting. i was also wondering what it was can anyone fill me in?:nervous:
  4. chocobo1

    4 way battle

    This is for anyone who is a fan from some of the most notable main protaginists in final fantasy games. who do you think would win in a four way battle? Cloud vs. Zidane vs. Squall(or leon) vs. tidus, and why? i look forward to seeing your opinions.
  5. chocobo1

    About the chocobos

    so im playing final fantasy VII and Im on the way to get a gold chocobo. i have a Black chocobo and the right nut to breed with,but i cant find a wonderful chocobo.uhh, help?:sad: