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  1. F

    Who Was Your Best Team Of Three?

    Auron, Wakka, and Yuna. They are my 3 hard hitters. Auron with Power Break, Armor Break, etc and a hard hitter with overdrive and attack. Wakka with Reels, and just heavy hitting. Yuna double casting Flare or Ultima/Holy and able to Cure.
  2. F

    Auron and Tidus

    I'm pretty sure Dream Zanarkand is still on Spira, just hidden away on an ocean or something. (hence the lack of the mountains and land) I'm not sure, but I think Jecht just ended up leaving for no reason at all.
  3. F

    Why does everyone hate Cyan?

    I just never have room for Cyan on my party. I always like to have Celes, Sabin, and Mog. It ends up being a choice between Edgar, Locke, and Terra. I'm not a Gau fan!
  4. F

    FFX-2 Favourite dress sphere?

    I really liked Berserker for the counterattack and evade and counter. A fast dresssphere with high damage; good stuff. However, for usefulness, most of the time my party was 2x dark knight and 1 alchemist.
  5. F

    Aeon Genders

    Well some that I know for sure: Anima - Female Valefor - Female Bahamut - Male Magus Sisters - Female Shiva - 99% sure she's Female
  6. F

    Just Beat the Game and I'm Still Confused...

    I have always thought of it that Tidus's reminiscing was up until you got to Zanarkand, and when you get to Zanarkand, you get out of the past and into the present.
  7. F

    Celes or Terra

    As I whole, I have founded Runic more useful than morph.. I don't really see what's so great about morph, but Runic has helped me more than enough times. I also like her plotline a bit more than Terra's.
  8. F

    Final Fantasy 6 Airship

    Well, I finished the Vector quests in WoB, and I had the airship at my control so I got Mog and I went around looking for his dances. What happens, is that when getting Water Rondo, I ended up leaving the airship by Crescent mountain. Now, I'm stuck in Narshe with no way to get back to my...