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  1. L

    Multiple Platforms Resident Evil 5

    Sir, you MUST play Resident Evil 4. Imagine Resident Evil 5 with better story, characters, and environments... and a dozen times scarier.
  2. L

    Best Final Fantasy Game?

    IX, easily. All the best of the old mixed will all the best of the new. And Vivi is possibly my favorite character in any RPG ever.
  3. L

    Which FF Game Have You Not Played?

    Well, I've played all of them, but I haven't beaten II, II, V, or XII. And I played, like, 10 minutes of XI. :P
  4. L

    Hullo there!

    Here I am, another new member seeking a sense of meaning and social belonging by talking about video games in online discussions. Oh, I kid. I just thought to myself earlier today, "Hey, I'm a Final Fantasy fan, I should become a member of a Final Fantasy forum." So here I am. If you wanna know...