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  1. F

    Early thoughts/impressions?

    Wow! That was exactly my point when I saw a trailer of it. My roommate showed me on Xbox, I think maybe 2 months or so ago, and that was what I was telling him: "Heh, what's that? Am I 14? Again? Oh noooo!" (-> Heh, was ist das? Bin ich 14 oder was? Schon wieder? Oh neeein! [original]).
  2. F

    Early thoughts/impressions?

    Well, I gotta admit that I don't own FF XIII. I don't plan to get it. Ain't got a tv or anything like that so... it's sorta senseless. Nevertheless I got a very good impression of FF XIII by your comments, which are overall very critic. But that's probably because you are hard, solid fans and...