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  1. Espurr

    Happy birthday, Espurr!

    Thanks everyone for the wishes! As for my age I'm looking at 632 but what's a few years? Loving the birthday cap Espurr by the way!
  2. Espurr

    Film Friends Forever - Discussion, Movie Suggestions! (Discord Only)

    We've done Dinosaurs and Snakes thus far. Let's go full circle and go with Spiders! I suggest Eight Legged Freaks!
  3. Espurr

    Film Friends Forever - Discussion, Movie Suggestions! (Discord Only)

    For my next suggestion I suggest Snakes on a Plane!
  4. Espurr

    Film Friends Forever - Discussion, Movie Suggestions! (Discord Only)

    It won't be for a few more weeks now but how about a Yu-Gi-Oh movie? I rather enjoyed all 3 of them so I wouldn't be opposed to whichever one got picked but I guess if I had to choose one how about The Dark Side of Dimensions?
  5. Espurr

    Guess That Game!

    I'm just going to take a random jab at this and guess Sonic Spinball.
  6. Espurr

    White Elephant 2020

    I choose to steal present number 9 from McGee!
  7. Espurr

    Christmas M&M's Jar 2020

    I feel bad for the one who has to count all of them. A boring task I'd imagine. :LOL: As for my guess... 432
  8. Espurr

    White Elephant 2020 [CLOSED]

    Sign me up!
  9. Espurr

    FFF's Christmas Tree 2020

    Box number 4 please!
  10. Espurr

    Film Friends Forever - Discussion, Movie Suggestions! (Discord Only)

    Okay I've never heard of that movie but it sounds laughably bad as well! McGee should keep that as option 1 of our next bad movie theme.
  11. Espurr

    Film Friends Forever - Discussion, Movie Suggestions! (Discord Only)

    Alright so I've realized that it has been awhile since we've watched a bad movie. We need to watch a bad movie again and roast it! I say Sharknado.
  12. Espurr


    How about an E?
  13. Espurr


    How about a S?
  14. Espurr

    Spooky Spotting 2!

    Cabroot suspects the bookshelf in the next room and inspects it before placing a trap.
  15. Espurr


    How about a C?
  16. Espurr


    How about a D?
  17. Espurr


    I'll take a T.
  18. Espurr


    Wow I actually got that right? That'll never happen again I'm sure. As for my guess I'll throw out an S
  19. Espurr


    Here's my attempt at solving: Eyes on Me?
  20. Espurr

    Trick-or-Treat [2020]

    If that's the case then I'll take box #1.