Search results

  1. J

    -The monster and the cave-

    Ok picture this scene, You're in a cave, being chased by Sephiroth, you are level 1 with 2hp and cannot attack in any way, death is not an option, there's nothing hidden at all so don't say "I found a sword" or something random, theres a fork in the road ahead, one to the left and the other to...
  2. J

    Going to sell my Final Fantasy Collection, reccommended price?

    I looked at prices (on eBay) and it seems like I should get more than $500 so it seems fair... the only problem I have is that the postage in the postage calculator is MASSIVE like $100! so i dont know anymore...
  3. J

    Going to sell my Final Fantasy Collection, reccommended price?

    Ok, I'm going to sell my entire Final Fantasy Collection, and need an estimate price, now dont be a-holes and say like $2 or some low number... Also you can recommend some changes for me. Here they are. Final Fantasy Origins (PS, PAL) -ConditionCase: A Manual: A Disc's: A Extra's: Artwork, A...
  4. J

    Count down from 1,000
