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  1. Baron Van Wolfen

    Zack or Cloud

    The only thing better than a hero is an anti-hero. At least, that's what I always said. He teeters between the edge of sanity and madness, and is a mind that only barely managed to sterp It's way into the hero side, and even then, he still had another metamorphosis to to through. Cloud, in...
  2. Baron Van Wolfen

    FFVII Power Tier List

    Easy to determine: Tier 0: Sephiroth Cloud Tier 1: Minerva/Jenova Zack Genesis/Kadaj Tier 2: Chaos Vincent/Omega Weiss The WEAPONS/Zirconiade Elfé Yazoo/Loz Weiss Vincent Nero Rosso Azul Shelke Tier 3: Regular SOLDIERS AVALANCHE Turks Various Monsters Humans with a tad more...
  3. Baron Van Wolfen

    Regarding The Northern Crater

    Yea you're right. It's just that this compilation's killing me with It's unanwsered questions, as pathethic as they may be. Sorry for sounding like a bit of a douche. Very Good point. Holy was supposedly inside Jenova's meteor, tis why It glowed that faint white/blue. I always assumed...
  4. Baron Van Wolfen

    Regarding The Northern Crater

    But that's exactly It. The hole was caused by the planet's release of mako energy, which punched from the core to the surface, being the reason Cloud was there, he fell down all the way to the lifestream. It was caused when Sephiroth awakened the Weapons. After that, when we return to the...
  5. Baron Van Wolfen

    Regarding The Northern Crater

    Yes, but I'd like to try. The reason why I think that was an energy blast sent by the planet, is because the WEAPONS were crystalized and probably trying to free themselves. So the planet had to give them some sort of hand in that. If you look at the blast which blew up the Northern Crater...
  6. Baron Van Wolfen

    Regarding The Northern Crater

    See, because to me It seemed that the planet It'self sent that blast of Mako energy to disintegrate the landmass covering the crater, so that the crystalized Weapons would be released. I think of that because prior to the blast the Crater is completely ground filled, afterwards, all this...
  7. Baron Van Wolfen

    Regarding The Northern Crater

    I have a pretty simple question that I just can't seem to remember. So we know that the Northern Crater was a wound caused by the meteor that Jenova used to arrive in the planet, correct? However, the last stage of the game we descend down a hole all the way to the planet's core. My question...
  8. Baron Van Wolfen

    Dragon Mage Breaks Down The FF7 Plot (So You Don't Have To)

    Also, I've heard alot of rumors that Aerith can was manifesting her spirit in the earth the same way Sephiroth was doing with Kadaj(creating physical will, with no actual body). This is untrue, however. The way Aerith manifests is unknown as DM said, she outright said it would be impossible for...
  9. Baron Van Wolfen

    Dirge of Cerberus Question about DoC

    Yea, but is there any other information about it? I have seen all DoC online vids and there is not one vid that even states their name. All I have seen are mentionings of them in forums and the wiki. Never in an official source. They were supposedly the strongest unit in SOLDIER(how is that...
  10. Baron Van Wolfen

    Dirge of Cerberus Question about DoC

    I've seen in the wiki and other sources information about this 13th SOLDIER unit "Ragnarok", but I have played DoC and seen DoC online and have never seen it mentioned in any official source. Can someone provide me a link or something? Is It even real?
  11. Baron Van Wolfen

    Cloud Strife vs Chaos Vincent

    I don't see how CV could possibly take this..... Cloud Strife faced the Demigod Sephiroth of AC equally for more than 12 hours of combat. That Sephiroth was the strongest being in the history of FFVII, and Cloud managed to match it blow for blow. Heck, Vincent and Sephiroth himself even stated...
  12. Baron Van Wolfen

    Cloud Strife vs Chaos Vincent

    As in AC Cloud? The guy who fought and rivals the Transcendental Negative Lifestream empowered Demi-god Sephiroth? He pretty much destroys Chaos without much effort.
  13. Baron Van Wolfen

    Cloud is an Emo

    Break the character? I'm sorry, but what they're doing is developing the character further. Yea he "got better" after the heroism on FFVII, but there was still much to be resolved on the matter of his guilt. They show Cloud as being happy with his family for a while, but this is exactly what...
  14. Baron Van Wolfen

    All-Out FF7 Brawl: everyone vs everyone who would win?

    Cause guns > swords Easily. Unless they're wielded by people who can dodge lightning:britt:
  15. Baron Van Wolfen

    Cloud's Love Triangle - The LTD of FFVII

    I'm going to be honest here, I'm not really looking to dissect posts and start a real discussion, I'm simply not that interested in either pairing(hell I'm actually not interested in a pairing, what I was arguing was what the canon pairing was). Yea um, say hello to the lifestream sequence...
  16. Baron Van Wolfen

    Cloud's Love Triangle - The LTD of FFVII

    I have found no sources different from LSF's translation. From what I know, they are the only ones that have translated Ultimania. You might be referring to that whole "koibito" business. It's was done by three separate translators and Q was in the comments and didn't disregard any of the...
  17. Baron Van Wolfen

    Cloud's Love Triangle - The LTD of FFVII

    Just a note, 20th Ultimania clearly puts out the Date scene as completely ambiguous and optional to the player. " First, is a picture discussing the Gold Saucer date. The text describing it reads Secret date At the Gold Saucer, Cloud receives an invitation from one of his companions. Who...
  18. Baron Van Wolfen

    Cloud's Love Triangle - The LTD of FFVII

    Heh. The feeling I received is that It was more ambiguous in the original, but the compilation, to me, clearly sets up Cloud/Tifa. I mean honestly, It's confirmed that Aerith loves Cloud and It's confirmed that Tifa does as well, but there's just so much more evidence towards Tifa post FFVII...
  19. Baron Van Wolfen

    Sephiroth a Psychopath?

    Well, yea It's obvious he went insane after visiting Nibelheim and reading about his past. With all the killing and the omnicide n' all that shiz. Actually, he's pretty much accepted as a lot of things, psychopath being one of them.