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  1. K

    favourite character?

    It's a tough choice for me because after i beat it I started playing online, and i always played my friends, i knew how they played and I used other characters to counteract theirs mostly Cloud, Sephioroth, and Squall
  2. K

    Which KH Game are you currently playing?

    I am Currently replaying Kingdom Hearts 2 for the thousandth time. Fighting Sephioroth at level 20 Not working out as well as i had hoped.
  3. K

    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    its kinda a torn decision to make because the original VII was just amazing, i mean i still play it all of the time. On the other hand, i would love to see a remake of it. this is just a really hard decision to make. But as mentioned in a few posts ahead of me, no one would ever want to play the...