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  1. M

    Accounting is quite possibly the worst class ever.

    I never once said it was hard, just really annoying.
  2. M

    Accounting is quite possibly the worst class ever.

    This exactly. Algebraic math isn't terrible as it actually comes in useful with other things, a lot of career require you to know it. Mind you there are some that really don't need it yet make it a pre-req. Look at me, ranting about it now:x3:...Anyways, there is a practical use to...
  3. M


    Wow, 7 years is pretty long to have an iPod...Those things don't generally last long. Then again I still have an iPod mini >_>
  4. M

    Accounting is quite possibly the worst class ever.

    It's just so dull, nothing interesting at all, then the only way to get good is to do it over and over and over. I simply do not have the attention span for that.:gonk:
  5. M

    Do the characters know each other?

    90% sure they do not. In the first one they did however. For example, Cloud and Sephiroth refrenced FFVII in their dialogue. Also, Zidane/Kuja + Tidus/Jecht knew each other. I'm not sure exactly what the story is for this one, but they don't seem to know each other beyond names.