Will always prefer physical copies, partially because I like to show off things that I've purchased, which can't be done with digital content. (though I did try to keep a paper record of digital games I got, but that got full pretty fast.) It's a pity that not all games have physical copies, and...
I downloaded a lil' game called Mind Zero, for the Vita. Ehhh. It's okay. playable as a Vita game, yeah. But if something like it came along on consoles, I'd say something. Tis an inferior Persona clone.
Awh yisss I am all over thissss *Pounces on PS4*
Sorry that the HUD sorta ruins it. Haven't used InFamous: Second Son's photo mode much. Probs could've done better but for now have some random melee madness.
Yeah Transistor has been a game I've meant to play for some time. Great to see it on PS+, and that the service itself is delivering more and more games that pique my interests. It got pretty poor for a time last year. Heard we're also getting the Thief remake/reboot as well, so, sweet!
Am I right to assume that, once the voting for SOTW 108 goes up, the previous week's voting thread will close and the winner(s) will be announced shortly thereafter?
Six yup, I've got my first entry done and so I'll be sending that to you shortly. Might actually work on the other entries over the weekend, rather than get them done on the same day as I had intended to do.
Six Yes, please do e-mail me. I'm more likely to pop on here if I get an e-mail notification.
Mitsuki and Six (again, haha), thank you very much for bring me up to speed!
We can do that? Yeah, I might do that so. I gotta get stuck into studying and doing projects for college, so I'll probs find a day to submit the whole month's SOTW in one go.
Woah! How could I have not mentioned the tear jerker that was Ni No Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch. dfgh Such tears 'n' emotion things. One could really feel for the main protagonist.
I hear that. I used to run a Mega Aggron on Showdown. Haven't used it in-game yet. Stealth Rock can get the drop on Mega Rayquaza early on which is vital. Of course if your foe for some reason decides to spam Dragon Ascent, well, the writing is on the wall for the poor dear.
Honestly, I'm more...
Whilst I like the concept of Megas, they completely ruined the meta for me. That, and the introduction of the fairy type. Thanks to both together, I can no longer use some of my favourite Pokémon competitively, mainly because I liked a lot of Dark and Fighting types (once ran a mono-dark team)...
Happy holidays, everyone! I must also apologise for not fully participating in the forum festivities...I got caught up in a lot of IRL stuff, and time slipped away from me. I hope that you are all enjoying your day thus far, and wish you the grandest of celebrations for the New Year to come.
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