Hi, hello, I am emerging from the dead to pipe up and say that some of the reasons that I consider FF8 to be my favorite are actually some of the points of contention you mentioned in your write-up!
I actually thoroughly enjoyed the junction system. It required you to be prepared, to be...
I'm so sorry that I'm super late with this one, but Quistis' birthday was October 4th, so happy belated birthday to our favorite former instructor and blue mage! :)
So I totally spaced posting the update on here. Chapter fourteen was posted on the 4th, which was Quistis' birthday! So happy birthday to our favorite black mage, as well as getting a new chapter ;)
So I voted for one simply because I don't often read poetry, and as a result, I hesitate to judge it. The fan fiction excerpt, though it involved OCs, had a world I was familiar with and the ending in particular pulled me in and made me want to read more. The poem was beautiful, I just don't...
Forgot to post about this. Part two, which covers Seifer's trial in full detail, is up :) The third part goes up on Squall's birthday, the 23rd!
Hey y'all! So in case you haven't heard about the fandom challenge called The Successor, you're missing out! The fandom focuses on the theme of "What comes after?" It runs for the entire month, from August 1st to August 31st, and submissions can be fan art, fan fiction, etc, so long as it...
Part of me wants to say this should go in the 'Writer's Boulevard' section? But maybe I'm wrong.
Anyway, I think this is an intriguing idea! It definitely offers some insight into the characters and it sounds like a really fun project. Is each entry going to be a different character? Like, are...
Hooray! I'm glad you liked it! You haven't left any reviews on the site, have you? Notifications were super weird yesterday and though it appears to have been fixed, I wanna make sure I haven't missed anything. Rowe
I wish I could submit this month but I have way too much going on :( three WIPs, a very large submission piece for a challenge that's due by the end of August, and it's finals for my summer semester class.
Next time, for sure! Have fun everyone! :3
I am working on chapter eleven as we speak ;) Provided my betas aren't occupied at the moment, and provided I don't need to revise too much, I'm hoping it'll be posted sometime tomorrow!
I'm happy you're liking it so far! I appreciate you taking the time to read it at all :)
Once it happens, I will definitely share :) I have to get it during the summer and as this summer is already halfway over, I doubt it'll be happening this year. Perhaps next year!
I've watched the first three episodes. I can't remember why I didn't continue on. Maybe I'll go catch up right...
Take your time!!! Worry not, the story will still continue on even if you don't catch up today :P I've been posting slower than I usually do too, so you're safe ;)
Wow, what a compliment!! *blush* Thank you for that, Mitsuki :3 I definitely enjoy this (somewhat) newfound hobby very much! It's...
Chapter 10 is up. Warning, lemon/smutty content. There is still plot though, so if you don't like that stuff, you're safe to read the first half of the chapter.
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