Search results

  1. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    FFXIV Endwalker: Reaper (new melee DPS Job) announced; expansion due for 23 November 2021 release

    Small update regarding the japanese version, it got cancled, so its still up on there website but all dropshipping websites have already used all there purchase rights, so im still left out on this thing. :( Praying for restock or otherwise buy a 2nd hand one. though i preffer them sealed (yeah...
  2. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    Hey thanks! yeah a small party with my wife parents my son and his girlfriend. They drove us to...

    Hey thanks! yeah a small party with my wife parents my son and his girlfriend. They drove us to a beach club / restuarant so i had some drinks there. small but pleasent!
  3. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    FFXIV Endwalker: Reaper (new melee DPS Job) announced; expansion due for 23 November 2021 release

    I have bought every collectors edition from FF14 to date, the American store was sold out before you could even blink. The european store had a countdown timer before sales were launched. i messaged my friend yo! sales are up in like 1,5 hours. Thing is i traveled by car to my friend later that...
  4. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    Lets Watch

    Slightly Different then a Lets Play, these 2 playlists are Visual Novels, Rated T for Teen due to a little Echi here and there. Big fan of Highschool DxD. These fit in there. Tales of Arcadia Sakura Succubus Let me guys know if u wanna see more visual novels, or rather games. Also which...
  5. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    Anime [V2] Anime you're currently watching

    Was thinking of making a thread but decided to search if there was one, there is but you and I can't be the only one watching anime, can we? Currently watching Kabenari of the Iron Fortress < Link Miko, if u like AoT I suggest u watch this one, it created by the same folk. I would even go as...
  6. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    [V7] What are you currently listening to?

    Oh, I felt a challenge there, as I'm typing this I scoured the web looking for the other 6 versions. ill let you know I found all 6 and already working my way on V1. Ill open a new thread as this will be quite a list :)
  7. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    [V7] What are you currently listening to?

    A little different I thought id watch and listen to all the songs u guys posted and wanted to make a rating on how I feel about them. Music is taste intensive and everyone (thank god) has their own taste. Thanks for sharing your music with me. Here are my ratings (with a few words for each) all...
  8. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    [V5] What's Your Mood?

    First of all congratulations Mercurial. Always good to hear good news in these depressing times. Mood: Lonely? 😔 Just need some space to vent of something that's been bothering me for quite some time. We used to have a very very tight friend group. Until 4 years ago we would spend lots of...
  9. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    SPOILERS Let's talk about a certain character's fate...

    A small side note, ill see if I can find some reference to this, but the creators of final fantasy 7 actually had plans to kill a lot of members of the party. It would make for a very dark story, Final Fantasy Series had had some dark turns but I don't think anything as dark as killing an entire...
  10. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    Exclusive Interview with NOBUO UEMATSU (Composer of Final Fantasy)

    You know I'm glad I came across this post, the interview was informative. and I didn't even know that SE basically told them to stop the black mages due to the name association. I have all their black mage CDs and they were signed by the big man himself. SE was still selling these like hot...
  11. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    FFIX Moogle tattoo? lame or cool

    As I'm scouring the archives for old posts that aren't in the graveyard yet. I am really enjoying it as I get to learn more about the people on the forum as well. I am curious to know if you ever got one? if so pic! I would definitely suggest only getting a tattoo when u and u alone are 100%...
  12. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    [V7] What are you currently listening to?

    One of my favorite Final Fantasy Songs even though 10 is not in my top 3 :P
  13. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    What would you do if the character above you loves you?

    Another Blast from the past :) id tell him Sorry Angeal am straight I don't swing my buster sword that way :D Have fun with this one Godbert Manderville
  14. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    Which cloud outfit is best?

    I love clouds Shinra uniform, as a matter of fact its what i based my weddings save the date video on (cosplay style) xD I might get it another try in the future but I first gotta drop some kg. i have a corona protective isolation layer build up during these last 1,5 years :D
  15. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    SPOILERS Let's talk about a certain character's fate...

    I think they should stick to the original story, I don't dislike but it's one of those things that made FF7 better for it. It's good to have some main characters die in the story every now and then as it deepens the story. It never really affected me when I was playing it as a kid, besides...
  16. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    Advent Children Nanaki

    Flash from the past, but I think it was worth opening up due to the fact that Nanaki (Red XIII) is one of my fav FF Characters all time). We will probably find more information regarding this in future parts of FF7 Remakes. the game is a lot more detailed than the original. I'm also praying for...
  17. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    The Spirits Within [The Spirits Within] So who else wants to pretend this film never existed?

    Hey guys sorry if I'm bringing up dead posts, they weren't in the graveyard so I thought let's bring it up. ill be honest, even though I didn't like the movie that much. The graphics were nice and I ended up buying the Seiko Watch that was connected to this movie. One very important point I...
  18. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    Use an item/spell on the next poster!

    *Quickly eats herring and rotten cheese* Bad Breath attack on the next poster.
  19. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    Playstation Platinum Trophies

    If u ever want to have platinum on FF9 I could prob help u work out the 1000 rope jump trick with a program. would u go this far for a trophy? well, I was when it came to FF. My most noticeable ones were the Agarest series. if ur talking about infinite JRPG grinds these games are it!
  20. Final Fantasy Fan YT

    Use an item/spell on the next poster!

    *Reflect reflects due to Reflect back on caster* Command > Throw > Excalipur on next poster