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  1. strife1313

    FF Music Best/Favorite Music?

    I like the cosmo canyon music alot..^^..and .. to zanarkand the jecht song..don't know what's it called the the boss music from 7 and 8
  2. strife1313

    KH Bosses

    I don't know which one they was talking about..but i really like that last fight with riku..I thought that was the most fun fight in the game..
  3. strife1313

    Your "A-team"

    Squall selphie rinoa......I hate zell...he gets on my nerves..i know selphie isnt' reall the best character to use..but I like her
  4. strife1313

    How many times did you die?

    less than 10..but I don't know exactly..yunalesca was hard for me until i figured her stategy out
  5. strife1313

    Favorite Character

    Well..I have to choose Terra becuase that's my girlfriends name and she'd kill me if i didn't lol..just kiddin..I just wish celes's name would of been Tera becuase I liked how celes looked more the cape was cool..
  6. strife1313

    Vincent Vs Cloud who is more powerful

    They're both stronger,and in some ways one is stronger than the other vincent may be a bit faster..but cloud is physically I guess it just depends on who you like I myself prefer cloud..but that's just me
  7. strife1313

    the new guy..O_o

    lol..thanks..I plan too..^^
  8. strife1313

    Favorite Fight Scene

    Tifa vs. Yazoo was kinda reminded me of the matrix for some reason or another..that poor church was demolished
  9. strife1313

    Favorite Aeon Overdrive

    I like shiva's just because I thought how she ended it with the finger snaping was cool....of cource throwing a huge chuck of earth into a ball of fire is cool
  10. strife1313

    What did you do when Aeris died?

    I didn't really have much of an reaction...I prefered to use Tifa rather than aeris..that "ping" sound it made when she attacked annoyed me...
  11. strife1313

    the new guy..O_o

    Hey!!! I'm strife1313 and I just joined..I've been playing final fantasy for a long time..I guess I know alot about it..I I'm attending college and class is about to I'd better be going..cya around i guess..^^