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  1. ajschoeffler

    Who's hotter?

    Who do you think is hotter? Cloud, Vincent, or Sephiroth? My opinion, everything cloud does is sexy, Tifa is a very lucky woman. Vincent is technology challenged, and Sephiroth might have been hot before he turned uber evil.
  2. ajschoeffler

    Most Embarassing Moments

    My most embarrasing moment was playing for 5 hours on the wrong saved file, and having to redo everything on the right file. Big waste of time.
  3. ajschoeffler

    Who's more perveted? Cloud or Vincent?

    I don't know who's more perverted, but if I were Tifa, I would definately do Cloud, he's so sexy!
  4. ajschoeffler


    I think FFX-3 would be awesome if it was about Tidus's father getting thrown into the future, and that whole story with Auron and Yuna's father. That would so make up for the crap they put us through with X-2.
  5. ajschoeffler

    Bubble Belt

    Where do you get bubble belts exactly? I have the bubble spell... But would really like the belt, would help out on some of these hunts I'm working on. What level does um... the two areas off of Silika woods get easier? Nabreus Deadlands and the other one, could really use a belt for those areas.