Search results

  1. Minion_of_Anubis

    Hardest Boss

    damn i dont remember the spectral keeper......... seymore was fkin easy, but i used rikku's mix with dark matter ^_^ yunalesca, OMG BITCH I hated that- that THING, jesus holy fkin craping monkeys, i pwned everything on the way up in like one hit, then she fkin megadeath u lose, im like :|...
  2. Minion_of_Anubis

    The Summon left in the shadows

    My order of use/importance stands as follows: 1. Buhamut << kick fkin ass man 2. Anima << coolness one hit kill =P 3. Yojimbo << i was rich what can i say? 4. Ifrit << fire pwns =) 5. Valefor << love the overdrives 6. Shiva << awsome speacial attack 7. Ixion << meh what can i say? 8. Magus <<...
  3. Minion_of_Anubis

    Final Fantasy Kingdoms

    O_O damn this place fricken rocks, ive seen some other places with rps and this place is on tha fricken BALL man, shit the last like 10 posts are all from one day, now thats what i call ACTIVE!! but yea i was wonderin if i could join yall with an original char, made by thyself (me) lmao, but...
  4. Minion_of_Anubis

    Pronunciation of Tidus

    there is no right or wrong way, ever heard the word data, yea two different ways to prononce it, and both are equally acceptend in this world, so to be honest, it dont fricken matter, just say tha damn word and ppl will know wtf ur talkin about
  5. Minion_of_Anubis


    hey speaking of buhamut, er typing of him, wtfever, i have a big ass mistake, not sure if im the only one whos ever run nto this but i have the NA version, and my Buhamut is compleatly maxed out, stats health abilitys and all, and his megaflare hits for just over 2,000,000 O_O unless im fighting...
  6. Minion_of_Anubis


    ok i say Squall and Zell, in the bigining im sure tifa would kick Zell in the nuts (cheap shot, damn you Tifa) and im sure squall could easyly handle cloud, and zell would get his ass kicked (like usual) and squall would prolly finish things and two things, 1 you want a really big sword? watch...
  7. Minion_of_Anubis

    Which FFVIII Character Are You?

    tsh, Squall, only saw that coming from a mile away, hahaha
  8. Minion_of_Anubis

    did you entrust everything in your "Hero Drink" or "Invincible Moon"

    u have 9,999 max hp? if not know that his all hitting explosion thing maxes out on dmg at 9,998 lmao yes i know its odd, but its the truth, er at least it was the last time i fought him :rolleyes:
  9. Minion_of_Anubis

    What GF's would you use?

    Buhamut (because i am a massive fan of him/her/it) Diablos (TOTALUBERPWNAGEMAN!!! hes lvl 99 for me so he hits for 99% of the opponents hp, for those that didnt know how his dmg is calculated) and the last one would bo hard to choose, its between doomtrain and cerberus, id probly go with...
  10. Minion_of_Anubis

    did you entrust everything in your "Hero Drink" or "Invincible Moon"

    basicly all you need is two healers and a fighter, give the fighter (preferably Squall) the command ability Revive, and one of the healers, then give the command ability Recover to the other healer, then use the Recover healer to keep the Revive healer up in hp, if he pulls off the one hitter...
  11. Minion_of_Anubis

    Rinoa, Quistis, and Selphie

    my opinion on this will be very VERY biased, witch is unnusual for me. but i would have to go for Rinoa, for many reasons, i like the way her character was developed, she changed alot throughout the game, and that she can see the other side of things, but the main reason i go for her is, i...
  12. Minion_of_Anubis

    Spare Odin!

    you are indeed correct, my first time tro FFVIII i did not know of odin's presence in the game, and after discovering it i loaded my game that was at the very very very fricken end, like a corridor away from Ultamacia and went and got him, then about 2 years later i was bored of all my games and...
  13. Minion_of_Anubis

    Your "A-team"

    for me its Squall, Rinoa, and anyone but zell (( i did my power lvling during a part that i didnt have him :P )) Rinoas magic power rulez, and squall has 100 deaths liked to stat attack, so his normal atack has a 100% chance of inflicting death :P :P :P
  14. Minion_of_Anubis

    did you entrust everything in your "Hero Drink" or "Invincible Moon"

    omfg how can you possibly find it to be easy, the damn dude can do an attack that will kill anyone thats not at full hp, and send the rest to 1 but as far as im conserned i have beaten him w/out hero drinks or invincible, or aura for that matter, in fact i never even AQUIRED a hero drink...
  15. Minion_of_Anubis

    Your thoughts on Sephiroth

    Sephiroth was a **** i hated his guts while i was playing the first time, but afterwards he truely became cool, however the boss battles against him were quite the letdown, its almost like he never lvled from when he was 50 and on ur side during those flashbacks, but nonetheless sephiroths...
  16. Minion_of_Anubis

    Why is Aerith's death so shocking and heartbreaking?

    personally i didnt know it was coming, at all, when he shoved that sword right through her back i was put into a state of utter shock, mouth open, eye widend, i couldnt believe it, aerith was such a nice person, and she never seemed like the kind to tragicly die like that, witch is what made her...
  17. Minion_of_Anubis

    Sphere Grid vs. Level Up

    The sphere grid rulez, i loved it, from the minute it explained it to me i was so insanely exited its not even funny, the sphere grid was the best system ive ever seen in any rpg, the options were so varied that you could do so many different things with your characters, and at the same time it...
  18. Minion_of_Anubis


    i just put the "ally: any - pheonix down or raise" first, then attacking at the bottom and if im runnin thro and area full of zombies ill put "foe: undead - pheonix down or raise" :lol: dead zombies, otherwise i like to play manualy like in boss battles and whatnot, but automaticly reviving is...
  19. Minion_of_Anubis

    The Glorious Revolution Against Tifa

    well i never really liked wither tifa or aerith, but ive not been into character bashing either, however i must say the tifa was a fairly underdeveloped character and that yes most of her fans are just plain... blunt? idk i couldnt find a good word for that, but aerith was a ok character, not my...
  20. Minion_of_Anubis

    Where did you get your username from?

    Anubis (for those that dont know) is the Egyptian god of death, or at least in the anceint times it was, dont know about now. so being his minion effectively makes me the egyiptian grim reaper and anyone that does not know what a minion is should be shot