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  1. Richter Belmont


    I liked the draw system. I never liked buying spells or doing some weird thing to obtain a spell. Once I figured out the junction system, it wasn't hard to obtain higher class spells early in the game such as Esuna and Double. For me, keeping up my stats up was easy since I only drew magic to...
  2. Richter Belmont

    Rinoa, Quistis, and Selphie

  3. Richter Belmont

    Rinoa, Quistis, and Selphie

    She is supposed to use any and all magic available in the game, but it doesn't come out of her magic stock.
  4. Richter Belmont

    Rinoa, Quistis, and Selphie

    Wait a minute. Rinoa is not supposed to use inventory magic during her Angel Wing limit break. I always thought it was dumb anyway. I always Angelo (a weird name for girl dog).
  5. Richter Belmont

    Has anyone else managed .....

    No, I ain't a bot, if you are gonna ask. Nah, you don't have to be alone, just low on HP. Sometimes when Squall is down below 1000 when his Max HP is 9999, I get Lionhearts galore. I know it might sound ridiculous, but that's how it goes when I play this game. Speaking of which, I haven't...
  6. Richter Belmont

    Has anyone else managed .....

    I don't think that has happened to me because I never got into that kind of situation. I always made sure my characters were ready to go before any boss battle, especially against Ultimecia.