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  1. Nanaki_Fan_Rukario

    Home of the Beast: A Nanaki (Red XIII) Club

    Umm... I dunno if I can ask this since the last post was in November, but I'll join! I don't have FFVII (YET!!!), but I've read almost every Nanaki profile there is out there, be it on the official site, Wikipedia, or anything else.
  2. Nanaki_Fan_Rukario

    Who would you like to be friends with?

    I'd be friends with Cloud, Sephiroth (Double Agent for Cloud, lol), Tifa, Sora, Roxas, Namine, Kairi, & Riku.
  3. Nanaki_Fan_Rukario

    The Three Armoured Characters

    I think that they're the ones who started the Keyblade War. Off-Topic 1: Any1 else think that KH3'll be a prequel to the series? Off-Topic 2: That crossroads that the 3 come to in the ending (You know, the one with the gigantic field of Keyblades?)... Any1 else think that it's the same place...
  4. Nanaki_Fan_Rukario

    What are you currently reading?

    I'm reading the Alex Rider series right now. I read Stormbreaker a long time ago, and I bought Point Blank, Skeleton Key, and Eagle Strike. I'm reading Point Blank right now. Eew... You don't wanna know what happens to Alex on about Page 120. *Shivers* Gross...
  5. Nanaki_Fan_Rukario

    Last Order in English

    I know, but it just seems like Square wants more money. :/ *Wants this so bad* I used to have the original movie, but now I want this. *Drools*
  6. Nanaki_Fan_Rukario

    Last Order in English

    Yup. The only problem with it being included in the set rather than a seperate release is that you have to pay $50. -_-
  7. Nanaki_Fan_Rukario


    Hey! :D I'm Nanaki_Fan_Rukario, but I go by Rukario everywhere I go (Except real life, of course.). I like Nanaki (Red XIII), Final Fantasy (Mostly VII/7), Pokemon, Super Smash Bros., Sonic, FullMetal Alchemist, Naruto, TLoZelda, Anime, Manga, Video Games, Dragons, Wolves, and the like. (Long...