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  1. AddleBoy

    YouTube What do you watch on YouTube?

    I normally watch some Let's Plays. My main channels are the Game Grumps and ProJared. Some other channels I watch are Red Letter Media, Escapist (for Zero Punctuation), and ColinFurze.
  2. AddleBoy

    What games are you playing right now besides ff?

    Currently playing Hollow Knight and re-playing Hyper Light Drifter. I would definitely recommend both.
  3. AddleBoy

    Multiple Platforms Dark Souls III

    The trailer seems to be up on GameTrailers
  4. AddleBoy

    Article: FFVII Remake Confirmed (Coming first to PS4, more to come in winter)

    I must be remembering it wrong. If that's the case, then I don't see it being that big of a deal. :hmmm:
  5. AddleBoy

    Article: FFVII Remake Confirmed (Coming first to PS4, more to come in winter)

    I was thinking that the problem would be with all of the innocent people being crushed by the falling plate after they blow up a reactor. If AVALANCHE actually succeeded in what they were trying to accomplish, they would probably have ended up killing everyone in Midgar.
  6. AddleBoy

    Article: FFVII Remake Confirmed (Coming first to PS4, more to come in winter)

    I wonder if there will be any backlash at the fact that AVALANCHE is a terrorist organization and kills shit tons of people by blowing the reactors up. At least in the US maybe.
  7. AddleBoy

    Article: FFVII Remake Confirmed (Coming first to PS4, more to come in winter)

    I feel like people are over-analyzing the trailer. This is nothing but a teaser, and I don't think anything shown here matters too much. The most you could get out of it is how Midgar might look now. One of the things that I'm wary about is how they're going to handle the tone of the game. I'm...
  8. AddleBoy

    [16/05] Kingdom Hearts III E3 2015 trailer shown; Tangled is first confirmed Disney world

    I'll be completely honest. I have no idea what the story of Kingdom Hearts is about anymore. I understood what was going on in I and II, but now, I just have no idea what people are talking about anymore. I mean, it's almost been ten years since Kingdom Hearts II came out.
  9. AddleBoy

    Happy Birthday, Kylie

    Otanjoubi omeditou gozaimasu! :reptar:
  10. AddleBoy

    What are you currently reading?

    Gai-jin by James Clavell A novel set in late 1800s Japan at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate (called Torunaga in the book). It revolves around the drama between the Japanese and the various Europeans trying to gain a foothold in Japan. It's a sequel to the book, Tai-pan.
  11. AddleBoy

    [V1] What are you currently playing?

    Mass Effect, Tales of Graces f, Persona 3, and... Max Gentlemen: A game about manly men, and stacking hats. It's a free game on Steam, and the gameplay is as follows: Your character has to stack as many hats on top of their head as possible while dodging obstacles such as beer mugs, birds...
  12. AddleBoy

    What game did you buy last?

    I've bought two games recently (technically 4); both of which I already own on other systems. Mirror's Edge, which I also own on the 360. The problem is that I don't have a 360 of my own. I just borrowed my old roommate's 360 to play it before, but we don't live together anymore. The game was...
  13. AddleBoy

    What game did you buy last?

    There was a sale in the Playstation Store. Bought Persona 3 FES, the Devil May Cry HD Collection, and Tales of Symphonia Chronicles. All at a VERY reasonable price. I've played all of these games on other platforms except Persona 3, which I am no addicted to.
  14. AddleBoy

    [V1] What are you currently playing?

    Persona 3 FES Just bought it in a sale on the PS3. I'm really liking it so far. The voice acting isn't the best in a lot of places; I feel like the emphasis they put on some words is just wrong, and every time I hear them say a word in Japanese I cringe a little. However, I do like a couple of...
  15. AddleBoy

    Playstation Playstation Plus Update(March 2015)

    I just downloaded Dragon's Crown. I want people to play with. :gasp:
  16. AddleBoy

    What's The Nerdiest Thing You Own?

    Gundam model kit? Just bought one recently. Haven't put it together, yet.
  17. AddleBoy

    Happy Birthday Dinglberry!

    You'll take this Happy Birthday, Al, and you'll like it. :watching:
  18. AddleBoy

    Little things that annoy you

    I hate it when I'm driving faster than someone ahead of me on the highway, I go to a different lane to pass them and they then decide to speed up. They always accelerate to the speed I'm going, and then I can't get back over. Now you decide to go faster!? :rage: It really annoys me when I'm...
  19. AddleBoy

    [Birthweek 2014] Team Member Elimination Game

    +60 Raphael Team A Big Casino - 270 HP Harlequin - 300 HP Sara Lance - 300 HP Raphael - 180 HP Prancer - 300 HP Team B iSmiff - 180 HP Michelangelo - 300 HP Sprout - 180 HP Master Cat - 240 HP Oliver Queen - 300 HP