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  1. Randomness

    No Over-Hyper Character?

    hmm, I never thought about a Hyper character, till you mentioned it, and yeah NOW I notice there wasnt a Character with that Personality, reminds me of Zell from Final Fantasy 8, lol he was all..."bring it on!"-ish, but no, no character with that in Final Fantasy 12
  2. Randomness


    tehe, yee I got that Sword, its pretty deadly, didnt take all that long to get actually, woulda been easier if I stole from some of the Rare game required (N). instead I killed emm ;), it took me, maybe an hour or so to get the materials, nah jk, the Hell Of Gate things, took a couple hours :P...
  3. Randomness

    When are you going to finally say...

    lol I dont think I will QUIT the Final Fantasy series, I may just play them less overtime, but when I DO get the time, yeah I'll play it some, ah well....