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  1. Shinra Employee

    Dirge of Cerberus What's your opinion about the game?

    Well, you do understand that we lost the multiplayer part of the game right, which had a whole other story right. Secondly, being the first shooter by a primary RPG company you should not have expected Halo or Doom or any other shooter like status. Unfortunately, Square-Enix seems to be pushin...
  2. Shinra Employee

    Dirge of Cerberus My Most Hated DoC character

    The US version of Hojo sounds way more devious then the JP version. the JP gave a sense that you could possibly fall for him where as the US made it almost absurd that Lucrecia even take notice of him. I hate hojo as well, however did not really care for Weiss' or at least the version we see...
  3. Shinra Employee


    We will most likely see Before Crisis in late 2006 or 2007. Since the release of the Lost Episode in the US on Ampd and eventually Verizon, we're a step closer. to those of you not familar with Before Crisis; let me brief you on it. It consists of 24 episodes and 1 sidestory about Tseng. there...
  4. Shinra Employee

    Crisis Core Crisis Core

    Crisis Core is due out spring of 2007 in japan, and hopefully get to the US and other nations within 6-8 months. the recent TGS featured more gameplay footage which was described a roulette wheel in the corner. How this will work im not entirely sure. Suggestions believe it could work like Tifa...
  5. Shinra Employee

    Dirge of Cerberus What's your opinion about the game?

    Dirge of Cerberus was a great game; ive played both the japanese and US version. Sadly, i wish the US version had gotten the online play mode as it had a story mode thats amazing. While, it got dismal reviews its a simple gun action game that anyone can play. Serious FPS players are the...