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  1. F

    Do you believe in God?

    How did humans really come into existence? This question is indeed what has lead me to believe in creation instead of the randomness of the "the theory of evolution". When anyone logically considers the positions taken from either side, it indeed is "science" and logic which tilts the pointer...
  2. F

    Abortion - your views.

    As I said, one does not have to be a person of religious faith to be a person of "moral" character. Any way one wants to slice it, abortion is MURDER, period. Many people try to "dehumanize" the unborn as a non living entity.....for several does not breathe, its simply a mass of...
  3. F

    Abortion - your views.

    Abortion is an issue of "LIFE". In a country (USA), that values an individuals rights, we've lost sight of the most important right of all.....THE RIGHT TO LIFE. Just look at what proponents of abortion have done in the past several years. They have fought for and continue to fight for the...
  4. F

    Homosexual marriage - do you agree?

    Want to talk with God?.....try opening the cover of his Book, every once in a while. As all scriptures are the inspired words of God. In fact God...has quite a bit to say on the topic of homosexuality.......Faithful Christians should oppose homosexuality in all forms (Romans1:26-27). As far as...
  5. F

    Why aren't dinosaurs in the bible?

    As you said....they "could" be anything....but they are described as Large beasts and assigned "special" names, other than the rest of the creatures. It is impossible to call them "dinosaurs" due to the fact, the term had yet to be "imagined" by man. I do not attempt to "prove" anything, but...
  6. F

    Why aren't dinosaurs in the bible?

    Well first off, "one can not ignore the New Testament" when talking about the Holy Scriptures, as the Old Testament and the truth thereof is directly "referenced almost 300 times in the New Testament, as a confirmation that the prophecies of the House of Israel were in fact being fulfilled by...
  7. F

    Why aren't dinosaurs in the bible?

    Down though the centuries, opponents of the bible have attacked its historical accuracy. Time after time, the Scriptures have been thus questioned, only later to be shown correct by archaeology, and science. Science is very useful when it is kept within the context of factual information and...
  8. F

    Why aren't dinosaurs in the bible?

    Man has long deluded himself into thinking it can accurately determine the "truth". In the past man has been the victim of, sometimes is no better, for example...... Mankind does not exactly have a reputation for accuracy......Men often are full of lies, deceit, and...
  9. F

    Why aren't dinosaurs in the bible?

    The terminology never existed in the 1st Century...but The "actual" terminology as such...."dinosaur" never existed in the 1st century, the time period in which the Biblical scripts were pinned to print, in fact the term was not ascribed into the language of man until the 18...