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  1. gossamer

    Best & Worsts Thread

    Reply to thread Favorite Character: Yuna Favorite Male Character: Kimhari Favorite Female Character: Rikku Favorite Boss: Sin Favorite Villain: Seymour Favorite Race: Hypello Favorite Temple: Besaid Favorite Area: Calm Lands (if that counts haha!) Favorite Place: Besaid (so peaceful!) Favorite...
  2. gossamer

    Where would you like to live?

    i wouldnt. i would travel round like they do, seeing everything. Then when i got bored, i would probably have to settle in Luca. Im a town girl.
  3. gossamer

    The best joke EVER!

    hehehe, is it wrong that the cat really is freaking me out a little? :S Im so wussy.
  4. gossamer

    Playstation Aargh! No fair!

    I cannot afford to buy a ps3, not until it goes down say...£100/200. So i'm a little bit stuck now. No final fantasy XIII, no kingdom hearts III. Its so unfair!!! Sigh. I'll just have to start saving, i guess. :dry:
  5. gossamer

    Do you listen to Final Fantasy music outside gaming?

    I listen to 1000 words over and over. Also, aeris theme from ff7 is great.
  6. gossamer

    Valkyrie Profile (1&2)

    What is it like? Does it have any similarities to Final Fantasy? Whats the battle system, story, etc like? If anyone can tell me, that would be great. ^_^
  7. gossamer

    FF7 Website - needs you!

    I dont know if i can help, but when youve finished it pleeease send me the link?! :D
  8. gossamer

    FF Cosplay.

    I love cosplay but i dont know who i would be. D'ya think someone would sew me a Quina costume....?!
  9. gossamer


    The scary writing at the top kept telling me to come make my first post so i have done, in case it started brandishing a stick at me. Im 18, i live in England. Erm, i hate introductions so sorry if this isnt very good. I have been playing final fantasy for about 9 years, since i saw my brother...