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  1. S

    Who will have the last word.

    *aye aye!! :D :D i win.....this time :D :D
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    Who will have the last word.

    *ahhhh its me trademark hehehe ;) ;)
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    Who will have the last word.

    *whats all this ruckus about? :(
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    Anime Death Note

    *ya know this is the an anime where the story line and even simple conversations topples those fight scenes or battles scenes of other anime. i mean how intense and fascinating the twisted minds of kira and L and you dont wanna miss any word they say :) *I gotta hand it to the writers and...
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    Anime Naruto

    *well everything heres seems accurate :D and naruto being ron is genius :D haha cheers mate...but one things desturbs me :) *how could voldemort be Orochimaru? i mean voldemort is a wuss compared to him :) voldemort aint got nothin on Orochimaru. i say voldemort can be compared to... sasori :D...
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    Anime Bleach Vs Naruto

    *ya know if this was debate about more serious things like saving the earth or recycling then id simply side with the best that benefits everyone. but since its just a squabble about 2 anime's which are possibly the most amazing anime ever id say lets just enjoy the shows cause its all about fun...
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    Anime Anime Recommendation

    *well seems to me you like chick flick anime's eh!? and your into robot anime too, good fighting and intense scenes? well you probably already know this but heres my recomendation for ya :) * naruto-ofcourse, whod never heard of this anime fenominon eh? love the fight scenes and the story is...
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    Last anime you watched

    *last anime i watched was vandread, im still at episode 6, its a really cool anime with robots and hot chiks with big breasts. and with that combination ya cant go wrong eh!? ;) but seriously the fight scenes and robot animations are cool probably same level with gundam :) and watching the...
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    Anime Death Note: Best Characters.

    *Man i just cant stand that twist of makin Kira go berserk like that. i mean isnt he a genius? isnt he the one who thought of making a better place for the world with the death note? then whyd he end up such a bad guy in the end? i just dont get it, hes so smart then whyd he have to loose...
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    Anime *Sephiroths Match???*

    *hey thats a good choice my friend, i catually think they just copied sephy's features and made kuchiki :) well cant blame em cause sephy rocks right! :) thatd being said i would consider their battle to be formidable. who knows maybe a bunch of floating razor like cherry blossom leaves could...
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    *Rinoa SUXX Quistis 4 life! :D :D nah just kidding! :D shes ok, shes a vibrant character and good to have on the game, makes the game more realistic to have a person act freely towards squall makin him look foolish at times, and he need her cause hes like a zombie or a mechanical "thing" without...
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    Wasn't Odin...

    *yeah thats right hes opinal, and the seifer scene wouldnt affect the game if it happened or not, i think its just a trigger effect to limit the capability of a sure kill encounter for the player, just to make the game a little harder for the players. cause if you have odin and appears in battle...
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    Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

    *In my own opinion Zack is stronger, in the game his profile is elite soldier same level as sephiroth. now cloud is a soldier but a grunt level,i think :D, so why does cloud & and sephy pawn zack? its just because theyere the main characters of the game :) now if theyd fight head on skll to...
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    What did you do when Aeris died?

    *when i first played it and saw the scene it was a bit uncool cause i had high hops of leveling her up for future battles, then she died, i thought shed come back at some point of the game cause good guys always do that in some games or movies, anime, etc... but turns out shes gone for good...
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    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    *sure why not, but they better not mess up the story line like keep aeries alive or something, theyd just have to polish the graphics and effects like no more chibbi characters, and add more intense cg scenes :) over all thats just what i expect if a remake would be done :) it would be awesome! :D
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    Earthgift Shrine

    *those guys with high levels should have no problem at all, its just a walk in the park if they ever battle any monster, boss or normal :) and i hope ya didnt use any codes or cheats cause it takes the fun away :) me i played it on the nintendo unit. it was so fun to battle em, thriving to come...
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    4 white mages, low level.

    *ahhh that would be possible if your at level 99, even if you used codes or cheats, well thats another way to go. but going through the game with no help at all is a nightmare!i suppose you can reach level 99 fairly but that would take a long time, i mean a really long time without cheats. and...
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    4 white mages, low level.

    *yep i agree, if your planning to have 4 white mages youd better have patience, a lot of it! i havent tried it but i estimate you have to buy lots of potions to add up to your cure magic to survive most battles. and youd have to be lucky to have critical hits to atleast have a decent physical...
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    If You Had a theme Song what would it Be??

    *Honestly by Harem Scarem :) the song rocks and it suits my personality and experiences :)
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    I hate

    *ya know that sounds seriously bad but if you have things to take the time away like a hot female coworker ;) hehehe *but yeah this shift sucks, my advice is bring something to amuse you r entertain you like a psp or a gameboy perhaps