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  1. G

    Best Beginning and Ending

    The best ending Of all the Final Fantasy games, which one do you think had the best ending? To me, without hesitation, it was FFIX, because it was just so cool the way Steiner came to finally accept Zidane and the way he finally go the Princess (I called her Princess Dagrana or something like...
  2. G

    Hi to all and sundry

    Thanks for the welcome. I wonder when FFXIII will come out, but it won't do me any good because I don't have a PS3, though I hope to get one...eventually. Man, I didn't think I'd get to liking FF so much, pretty crazy for a 57-year old,huh? I gotta get back to doing somethin productive...
  3. G

    What do I need?

    Alright! The man at GameStop said it might be hard to find a hard drive for the PS2, so here's'll probably be awhile afore I get to play it. It's one thing I wish Square Enix hadn't done was make it only playable online. Thanks!
  4. G

    What do I need?

    I just wonder what all I need to play FFXI. I have a big PS2 and the game, but that's about it. Don't yet have a hard drive even.
  5. G

    Hello, new here..

    Hajimemashite. Nihongo wo hanasu koto dekimasu ne?
  6. G


    Howdy. Everybody raves about FF7 but I liked FF9 the best, I think. how about "Reality if for those who can't deal with Final Fantasy". Just joking. But, knowing what reality can be....
  7. G


    I'm just trying to see how people put in different colors, different fonts. I guess I'm just a bit too computer illiterate, shucky-darn Hey, they told me to have fun, and I am! I am! Almost as much fun as playing FFIX, which incidentally, I think was the best.^_^
  8. G

    Hi to all and sundry

    Thanks I'm still learning how to navigate this forum, I don't even know how to put in the avatars or whatever they're called. "Til next! Also I am trying to get through Tactics for PSP, and I keep on getting wiped out against the (2nd?) Lucavi, I forget his name, the one that calls for back-up...
  9. G

    Your Writer has arrived

    Just a reply Howdy. I'm new myself. I was wondering...what are you writing for? Do you have any favorite FF games? FFIX (not FFVII) was one of my favorites. Ciao.
  10. G

    Hi to all and sundry

    I'm sorta new at this so hello to everyone. Finished FF12, working on Revenant wings, may have to get a PS3 for FFXIII. Ciao, sayonara