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  1. Reiya


    The first time I choose : Warrior, Thief, White Mage and Black mage... Then I choose 4 thieves... the game is pretty hard with that team but still nice ^_^
  2. Reiya

    What did you name your party members

    My first thief : Locke (Because I looooove this treasure hunter ! FFVI powaaa ^^) My second thied : Zack (from FFVII. i like this name ^^) My third thief : Pavel (a thief in FFII) And my last thief : Lupin (Who doesn't know who Lupin is !!) (I know I know... I've got a very well balanced...
  3. Reiya

    Booyaka ^o^

    Thanks everyone ^____^ Mdr XD
  4. Reiya

    What did you do when Aeris died?

    When Aeris died I was't very pleased... because I realise that she lived with all my equipment >____< But that's right the scene was very sad...
  5. Reiya

    Favourite Chocobo

    The gold chocobo is the better, that's obvious ^^ But I love using the black one !!! (don't ask me why XD) I like the green chocobo too... 'cause of its color. :) (Pretty hard to choose ^^")
  6. Reiya

    Which Rikku looks better?

    Well... I prefer Rikku in FFX ^^" Rikku is always sexy :P
  7. Reiya

    Booyaka ^o^

    Hi there :) Well... as you can see I'm a newbie here. I wish I'll have fun here with all of you ! So see you on F3 ^_^ ( F3 = Final Fantasy Forums) (PS : Don't worry If sometimes I say weird things... I don't speak english very well... but I'll do my best ^^')