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  1. gregglesaurus

    Dirge of Cerberus What's your opinion about the game?

    I got it for Christmas yesterday... didn't even know it was out until Saturday when I saw it there, and then I found out my mum had bought it for me a few days earlier! It's pretty cool, the graphics are fantastic, and as far as FPS's go, it's great... ... so I might keep it. Or I might...
  2. gregglesaurus

    Welcome the gregglesaurus!

    Thanks! I might just take you up on that. I was playing FFIX and I'm stuck on the very last battle... :p so I've ... taken a break and started on FFX instead. But I'd like to kill him. I might have to go back and get some better summons and equipment.
  3. gregglesaurus

    What did you do when Aeris died?

    I cried quietly to myself. It was terrible that I couldn't be alone to ... have that moment. It was in the lounge room, and my older sister was bagging me out, "it's just a game!" And I was like, "Shut up, you insensitive bitch!!" Then I went and stood outside so I could cry alone, and looked...
  4. gregglesaurus

    A New FFVII Remake

    "Attack while it's tail is up!!" Need I say more? :wacko: Why'd Cloti get banned?
  5. gregglesaurus

    Favorite Character

    Well, after Garnet, cos she's the endearing female lead character that you're supposed to like... I like Vivi... he has so much power, yet he's so shy and unsure of himself, very soft-hearted and kind, caring... emotional... I think I kinda relate to him the most.
  6. gregglesaurus

    Garnet or Eiko?

    Garnet. :D She's hot. And... nice.
  7. gregglesaurus

    Welcome the gregglesaurus!

    Hello everyone! Thought I'd sign up with an ff forum to make some new friends and just have some cool discussions with ppl who are into the same thing. =) A few things about me: - I'm 26 years old. - I live in Australia, mate! - I am a Christian - don't worry, I'm not going to bible bash or...