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  1. Smorlock

    Character changes

    I think that the changes represent the gradual 'maturation' of Tetsuya at the helm of character design. He has this obsession with incredibly introverted main characters, and bland, uninspired heavy metal rock stars for everyone else. His villains just tend to be egotistical versions of the...
  2. Smorlock

    FF Music Uematsu or Kondo?

    Two of the greatest video game composers of all time (or at least most prolific), Nobuo Uematsu, the man behind the Square tunes, and Koji Kondo, the creator of the music for many of Nintendo's famous franchises. Who is your favourite? What is your favourite soundtrack by each? Favourite...
  3. Smorlock

    ff periodic table

    I saw a version of this that had just general video game characters recently... both are very cool. Did you get the idea from that?
  4. Smorlock

    New to FF

    Actually, a growing trend I've been noticing and not been all that excited about is the growing amount of sequels that final fantasy games are getting. I am an OCD completionist who is a danger to himself, so one thing I liked about the FF games was the safety in that there was only ever one...
  5. Smorlock

    Your First FFVII?

    I actually got Dirge of Cerberus as a gift from a friend because they knew I played Final Fantasy (X and XII at the time), but having never actually played the original I couldn't bring myself to even open DoC. So it sat beckoning to me until I found a copy, played it the whole way through...
  6. Smorlock

    FFVII - Worth Getting?

    Having just recently found a copy and for the first time playing it through to the end, I can honestly say it was one of the best RPG gaming experiences of my life. Definitely play-worthy even today if you want a gripping story and characters you will remember for a long time. Only downside is...
  7. Smorlock

    Dirge of Cerberus Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode Canadian Release

    As far as I know, NO carriers in Canada support DoCLE. It would nice to be able to play this game up north, so if anyone knows if I have in fact overlooked something and it IS possible to play it in Canada, please post.