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  1. X

    Most famous FF character?

    I would say that sephiroth is first with cloud in a close second......from then on it is anybody's guess. Since most people relate to the first FF they played I guess it all depends on what most people's first FF game was.
  2. X

    Favorite FF couple

    I am obviously a ff8 fan and the reason is the romance between squall and reminds me of what I hope angel to save me from the prison i have created for myself in my own mind...i guess i just relate to squall's loneliness and the way rinoa can see through...
  3. X


    I was a member of ff future and haven't been on a forum website since. but now I am lonely :sad2: so I decided to start talking to people again! lol well anyway my favorite FF are Vlll and Tactics (the original). I am 19 and I am open to talk to anyone for anything and will be posting on these...