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  1. Rach

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

    LOL at the earlier posts! about a child, it would be neat a baby boy named Zack! and hoorray, another version of Advent Children coming up! Featuring FF13 videos, and looks like there will be 30 extra minutes in the movie! Anyone has any more info on that Squenix event that happened this weekend?
  2. Rach

    More FF artwork =)

    Thanks a lot =) I'll post something new really soon. I'm usually only posting pictures in there hahah!
  3. Rach

    More FF artwork =)

    Heeey everyone! Well, i've joined the foruns recently, so hi again =p I'm still getting used to the place, after all, it's huge. So, i'm starting some Final Fantasy related fanarts, for a couple of friends, and decided to post them here. Expect to see many cloti fanarts here soon! I started...
  4. Rach

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

    Amem, brother. Lol XD Indeed, indeed :cool: Thank you XD Feels good to be here! Cheers! Edit - Aie! Having loads of fun reading those profile notes! Thanks guys =*
  5. Rach

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

    @ Lightning: Ahaha I'll keep that in mind, bout the typos and all! And no one can deny the crisis core story! Such a beautiful love story... I cried like a little girl when i watched the ending. Shame on me! Aaah and Tifa's mails to zack, haha one of the best parts of the game! "just don't...
  6. Rach

    And one more!

    Thanks for the warm welcome, guys =) I'm a lil busy these days, but I'll be sure to post a lot =) Besides, I'd prolly get my boyfriend registered in the forums as well hahaha!
  7. Rach

    And one more!

    Hey everyone =) Well, what can i say for an introduction post... ahm... Ok, basics, basics, my name's Rachel, I'm 23 years old, live in Brazil and work with graphic design. I've played the final fantasy series since... i can remember myself, so yep, a long time, haha! And i also enjoy some...
  8. Rach

    Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

    Hiya guys! I've been reading some posts here for a while, but actually never joined the forums. So well, why the hell not joining this time, i guess? So, hiya, name's Rachel, i'm 23 years old, blahblablah. I'd just like to say that i'm like a die hard cloti fan, and with tons of arguments to...