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  1. Kain Highwind

    Zack or Cloud? Better main char?

    hmm tough call. Essentially they are the same person. Or at least Cloud tried to be. When it comes down to it, I guess I would pick Zach. mostly because Zach doesn't get all depressed and mean. I mean, Cloud is no Squall, but he's no Zidane either.
  2. Kain Highwind

    The Most Exposed FF character

    I voted for Fran, but on second thought, I'm gonna say Kuja. He doesn't leave much to the imagination. Witch is disturbing.
  3. Kain Highwind

    Most Interesting Motivation

    I voted Seymour. He didn't seem like a bad guy at first, but he had a creepy air about him ( his theme didn't help at all). Then he goes insane. I believe he killed off all the Ronso tribe -except for the one that counts- because, and correct me if I'm wrong, but "they all got in his way" or...
  4. Kain Highwind


    Why not? You always need a transport, and more often than not there is an engineer ready and willing to make /give you one. Why not have one unamionous Name theme for them all? After a while the name starts to become mainstream. Weather he is an engineer or not doesn't matter. For example, in...
  5. Kain Highwind

    Favourite FF quotes

    "That's the most Kupo story I have ever heard" - Montblanc
  6. Kain Highwind

    General Final Fantasy Favorites/Worsts

    Doesn't any body know what a Moogle is anymore?? They say Kupo :omg: Anyways Favorite Hero:Cecil Favorite Villain: Kefka Favorite FF title: FF IV Favorite FF character: Cid Highwind Favorite FF male character: Zidane Favorite FF female character: Porom Favorite Non-human male FF character...
  7. Kain Highwind

    Insert dramtic entrance here

    Wow, so may replys. But yeah the classics do kick ass.
  8. Kain Highwind

    Worst FF character

    Well from the top: Edward. I hate bards. There useless. I'm with Tellah on this one. Cait Seith. What a useless jerk. It didn't seem to contribute anything to battle or the story. He just sat there with is useless being useless with his useless limit. Renoa. Granted I have never finished...
  9. Kain Highwind

    Ultimecia Vs Sephiroth Vs Kuja Vs Kefka

    That's kinda, tough. Can't say i have played VIII all the way through. I'd hate to be biased towards the other three, but I don't know much if anything at all about Ultimecia... That aside I'm gonna say Kefka. He is pure evil through and through. His motivation? He's just a really bad man not...
  10. Kain Highwind

    Best Final Fantasy Game

    I voted for IX, However in my group of friends they all hate it because there are apparently too many random encounters. I just never found it to be a problem. Personally I like them all. Well except for X-2. that was garbage. At any rate why IX? Why not? It's a good one. That little edge...
  11. Kain Highwind

    Worst Final Fantasy Game

    The general consensus seems to be X-2. And I'm not gonna disagree. It was total crap. Switching jobs in the middle of battle is pretty cool, but that's all I'm gonna say to it's credit. Otherwise it was a waste of time. For me it not only was the retarded filth spewing out of Yuna and Rikku's...
  12. Kain Highwind

    Insert dramtic entrance here

    Hello everybody! Well let's see here... I'm 21 years old, and I live on my own. Because I need to pay rent, I work at Blockbuster Video. I plan on changing jobs some time soon ( I hope) My favorite Final Fantasy's are III, IV, VII, IX. Cid is my Favorite character, Don't ask me which...