Search results

  1. Kotomi

    Place to get most exp.

    Try Gargan Roo,defeating the worms there is easy,and gives a lot of exp ,also ,memoria is a good place to to train up .
  2. Kotomi

    Name origins and their meaning

    In fact,i have two names;"Méline",which is a greek name,that means "honey",and the other "Lina",it has 2 origins;a greek and an arabic one,in greek it means "herald",and in arabic it refers to a "palm tree in heaven".
  3. Kotomi

    Poll: Are you right-handed or left-handed

    I am left-handed,and -like cherri-, i use my right hand to control the mouse .
  4. Kotomi

    Please tell me your names(im new)

    A cordial welcome from a newbie to a newbie ^_^. my real name is Méline,but just call me Lina.
  5. Kotomi


    Hello everyone, this is my first time posting (and registering) to this board. I've been reading the board for months, but now i figured it was time to post and make some new friends,see you around!!!