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  1. Visual_BuLLeT

    Cost of Final Fantasy 13

    ^ hm probably but what if the game wont be popular enough to cover the cost of the game itself ? Well i really hope that XIII will come out, the realising date is somewhere in decemeber 2008 ( cant remember the day xD ), i cant wait to see the graphic ^^... As for the XIII Versus...idk why...
  2. Visual_BuLLeT

    Cost of Final Fantasy 13

    100 million dollars for a game ? lol thats ridiculous...beside ps3 as some ppl said isnt selling allot, it would be better if the made for ps2 or psp << and for pc maybe, because now you need to buy ps3 to play the game <<, and ps3 costs allot plus Nintendo wii is a much better console...But i...
  3. Visual_BuLLeT

    Zack or Cloud? Better main char?

    hard to say, i agree with bustersword though...both of them are interesting...sadly zack was killed before FFVII T_T, it would be interesting to watch him with cloud in FFVII, both of them are great in my opinion, cant decide ><
  4. Visual_BuLLeT

    The Most Evil

    um sephiroth, i agree with hivan xD
  5. Visual_BuLLeT

    Favorite FF couple

    well personally i like cloud and aerith then zack and aerith together O.o, idk why they just seem cute together, cloudXaerith
  6. Visual_BuLLeT


    Hello, i'm new here ^^, i live in Croatia and i'm 16 years old. Um my fav. FF is FF VII, FFIX, FFX, FXII and FFXIII which is coming out hopefully in 2009 ><, did anyone saw trailers for XIII ? They are awsome :ohshit: xD