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  1. K

    If your Final Fantasy crush knocked on your door and said...

    "Glad you decided to ditch Waka Lulu sure lets go..... wait you are X-2 Lulu!?" *Runs like hell to avoid Child Support*
  2. K

    I like XIII... And am excited for the next FF installment.

    Good for you then, im actually excited too just because after the game comes out i want to see what´s next for Lightning, because well i know this wont be the last of Lightning, and anyone who thinks otherwise are for a rough wake.
  3. K

    [17/01] Japan ranks their favorite female characters from the Final Fantasy series

    Mmmm the only way this would make sense is if in this poll only owners that registered their FFXIII or XIII-2 copy would be allowed to vote, that or Toriyama has multiple accounts (Or Godly privileges that allow him to vote at many times as he wants) otherwise JP is crazy no wonder Toriyama...
  4. K

    What Final Fantasy character resembles you the most? And why?

    None im ugly ass, too much Bishonen in FF. Maybe the ugliest NPC you have seen thats me.
  5. K

    Soul Calibur 6 - What you wish for it?

    Bigger assets, thats all i ask in every new Soul Entry the same for DoA.
  6. K

    Bartz vs Squall

    To hang out i had rather go with Bartz as he is a totally likeable Person (Much more than Zidane in my opinion) traveling togueter with him in Chocobos would awesome. As for squall i would want to fight alongside him as he seems like a good Leader to follow and i dont get tired of seeing his...
  7. K

    Is it Pedophilia When someone is attracted to an Anime Character?

    NO. I like Lolis but im not a Pedo, where i live is a paradise for pedos as most children around here are naked because of very poor families and im not turned on one bit i even avert my eyes of disgust while i can stare a hot Loli for long periods. those are anime characters wich have...
  8. K

    What is going on Square Enix?

    I would be playing an Hack and Slash game better, seryously thats why i dont like action RPGs i better going to play God of War instead. In RPGs turn based gameplay it kinds of set appart from other genres.
  9. K

    What is going on Square Enix?

    Nah Nocturne press turn system is way better than persona because in Persona you arent as penalized as in Nocturne, like try to use a magic attack on all enemies and just one being immune/absorb/repel in Nocturne and you wasted a whole turn where in Persona you get an additional turn. Nocturne...
  10. K

    Am I the only one that thinks older retro games are far better than the games they put out today?

    You are right about that TC honestly today games have lost that spark that made them awesome i can easily play an old game and enjoy it for hours but today games i have a hard time, i think the reason is because now developers have to take in account other peoples tastes rather than being...
  11. K

    What is going on Square Enix?

    Im with you TC i want Turn Based goodness again, SE has kingdom Hearts and the Star Ocean series for that. I dont know where people got that an action based gameplay is the future of RPGs, FFX and to a lesser extent FFXII showed the turn based gameplay can be reinvented. SMT3 Nocturne has a...
  12. K

    Darkest FF to date?

    FFX when Sin destroys Kilika it was.....i knew this game would be dark, then i the events after Sin Spawn Gui battle just cimmented it. As runner up would be FF5 just because my favorite FF character Galuf died. Another would be FF6 nuff said Doma Castle Poisoning.....
  13. K

    FFIX: Love it or Hate it?

    Its alright but its Zelda esque characters are disturbing, the gameplay is fine but its too slow even with haste. The plot i liked it very much even tough i didnt liked Zidane too much as Main (Stock characters are my thing), Kuja was freaking strange with those garments and to this day it...
  14. K

    [FF V] why does everyone hate this game?

    More like hated is ignored. My theory is that it was looked down because it wasnt FF4-2. Considering FFV were more towards a gameplay focus rather than story i think it would gad been look better if it was released before FF4. Galuf my favorite character in the series.
  15. K

    [07/12] Square Enix To Reveal Secret Title Soon

    I wonder why SE is like this, seryously! What could it be? This level of incompetence is amazing, when was the last time this forums had overall love for SE? People say change is not bad, but they are SO wrong.
  16. K

    [12/12] FFXIV 2.0 DELAYED development of other HD SE titles

    I wonder how SE cant make a single PS2 port of FFX, come on ATLUS made P4G added tons of extra stuff and was released quite quicky, i dont think FFXIV to be the reason of FFX delay other than SE incompetence. FFXIII and FFXIV doesnt make justice to the FF legacy. Off topic im trying to play...
  17. K

    Final Fantasy 7 vs 8 and 9?

    FFVIII is the best for me as is CG and Junction system makes a great package, i didnt liked 9 just because of the horrendous characters that display there, pretty much why i dont like Zelda games because of the creepy character design. In FF7 i loved facing the Weapons and the materia system is...
  18. K

    [03/12] Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Has A World That Changes In Real Time Read more at htt

    Strangenly this sounds too much akin to Valkyrie Profile. This game doesnt sound that bad but im not taking any chances.
  19. K

    [16/11] Final Fantasy Type-0′s English localization was nearly completed last year

    Actually the DS IS a lot easier to hack than the PSP, so hacking isnt the problem. Its just that compared to the DS the psp failed to compete with it, the psp sold as much as the PS1, regrettably developers see it that way (Albeit wrong). Type zero wont ever come stop deluding yourselfs.
  20. K

    [08/09/2012] Former Squaresoft exec calls Enix merger a “complete failure” – report

    Well the only thing i can say is that SE hasnt topped the quality of Squaresoft and Enix own tittles. So far this gen SE is simply not worth.