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  1. XRoxasX

    Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

    I think Zack is stronger because he´s a 1st Class Soldier and Cloud didn´t make it when he try to become one...........he´s just a soldier..............
  2. XRoxasX

    Who was always in your party?

    I like to use: Vaan, Basch, Ashe......... I think they are the best ones..........
  3. XRoxasX

    Hardest Ultimate Weapon to Obtain?

    I have to agree...... that weapon is a pain in the butt......... it takes like 5 hours to get if you´re fast.........
  4. XRoxasX


    Sorry for the double Posting............ Now that you asked me about that......... I think we have met before......... It was something about this image........... I remember here said ¨Your Fate Is In Your Hands¨ In this corner said ¨Lone_Wolf¨ Am I right?
  5. XRoxasX

    MyFFNet: Your Final Fantasy and KH community

    MyFFNet has an Arcade with 353 games, Profiles with the count of visits although you can send friend requests and leave visitor messages, a new layout (made by Kazaf<---- Thanks man :P) (vBulletin), download files with FF and KH music and wallpapers, a lot of spam (like in every forum XD)...
  6. XRoxasX


    O.o ............well ok......... Thanks............ Thanks man :P
  7. XRoxasX


    Thanks girl.......... :P ............. lol no.........tu español es bueno nada mas necesitas practicarlo mas eso es todo............. :P Ok thanks man..... :)
  8. XRoxasX


    Hey guys I´m XRoxasX just a new member......... I like to listen to music (in part only Rock), nothing interesting about me.............. :P -I like to help people when they´re feeling bad. sad...... etc........ -I think I don´t like to be famous because it brings some kind of troubles (not...